
A lightweight module for elliptic-curve security schemes.

pip install Elite==1.0.0


Elite v1.1.1

A lightweight module for elliptic-curve security schemes.

Repository: https://github.com/origamizyt/Elite

1. Installation

This module is available on PyPI, which you can install by running the command below:

pip install Elite

The source code is also available on Github.

2. Usage

2.1 Concepts

There are a few concepts you need to know before coping with this module. Otherwise you may get lost in the usage and description. You'll need to you what is a:

  • Scheme. A security scheme is an object which encapsulates the standard procedures in its methods and provides simple interfaces to operate with.
  • Cryptography Provider. A crypto provider is an instance which manages the symmetric algorithm part of the scheme.

2.2 Basic usage

For top-level functionalities, you can instantiate an instance of a scheme either by calling getscheme or directly create an instance. However, it's recommended that beginners use the getscheme method:

import elite
# server side
s = elite.getscheme()
# client side
c = elite.getscheme()

After instantiating a scheme, you can export your local public key or import remote key by calling the following methods:

# binary version
# hex version

After loading the keys, a shared secret should now be established. Call the secret method to generate a shared secret. The two secrets should be the same.

# should be the same

Sign / Verify data via the sign / verify method:

signature = s.sign(b'data')
assert c.verify(b'data', signature)

Encrypt / Decrypt data via the encrypt / decrypt method:

data = s.encrypt(b'data')
assert b'data' == c.decrypt(data)

NOTE: a scheme can only verify / decrypt data from the other side. Don't try to verify / decrypt data generated by yourself.

2.3 Advanced usage

For mid-level programmers, you could try instantiating the schemes directly. They are in the scheme submodule.

from elite.scheme import P384r1AesGcmScheme
# secp384r1 with AES_GCM
s = P384r1AesGcmScheme()
c = P384r1AesGcmScheme()

For high-level programmers, you can instantiate the ECCScheme class to create your own schemes:

from elite.scheme import ECCScheme
from elite.cipher import getprovider
from elite.secret import CurveKind

s = ECCScheme(CurveKind.CK_SECP256K1, getprovider())

You can test the module using unittest:

$ python -m unittest elite.test --verbose

For deeper usage, please view the source code.