A client for ESI, the API for Eve Online

Esi, Eve, Python, Api
pip install EsiPysi==0.10.0



EsiPysi (pronounced like "Easy Peasy") is a utility for accessing the Eve api called Esi. The goal of this project is to create a lightweight and fast tool which makes devloping with Esi easier.


  • Auth storage and auto refreshing
    • If your access token expires, EsiPysi will acquire a new one
  • Fast API calling and JSON parsing using aiohttp
    • Uses asyncio and event loops so that the API calls are non-blocking
  • Light input validation
    • Only validates that the parameters are in the Esi Swagger Spec, does not validate types/values
  • Caching using Redis
  • Automatic retries for certain error codes
    • Typically those pesky 501s


Install with pip:

pip install EsiPysi

Requires python 3.5+

How to use

Get familliar with the ESI reference and Eve SSO

start with an EsiPysi object, this will keep track of global settings like which Esi version to use (_latest is reccomended)

from esipysi import EsiPysi

esi = EsiPysi("https://esi.evetech.net/_latest/swagger.json?datasource=tranquility", user_agent="Your User Agent Here")

Now from that object you can create operations, pass the operation ID to the get_operation function

op = esi.get_operation("get_search")

If it requires authorization you can use EsiAuth

You can either get one from your client info, access token, refresh token, and expire datetime (in UTC)

from esipysi import EsiAuth


Or you can get it from less data such as an authorization code you got back from the callback or just a refresh token:

from esipysi import EsiAuth

auth = await EsiAuth.from_authorization_code(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, AUTHORIZATION_CODE)
auth = await EsiAuth.from_refresh_token(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REFRESH_TOKEN)

And then you can execute that operation with parameters

result = await op.execute(categories="character", search="Flying Kiwi Sertan")

Response Object

EsiPysi returns a response object called EsiResponse, it contains the following:

  • response.text - The plain text of the body of the response
  • resonse.json() - The text decoded as json into a python Dict
  • response.status - The HTTP status code (likely 200)
  • response.headers - a CIMultiDict which is a special dict cabable of holding multiple of the same key because headers are funky. They act just like a Dict with some extras.


EsiPysi has caching provided by redis. First create a redis client.

Example from redis-py

import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

Now create a RedisCache object and pass it to the EsiPysi object

from esipysy import EsiPysi
from esipysy.cache import RedisCache
cache = RedisCache(r)
esi = EsiPysi("https://esi.evetech.net/_latest/swagger.json?datasource=tranquility", user_agent="Your User Agent Here", cache=cache)