GPLv3/Python3/CLI very naive [Python|C++]Qt parser to get informations about Qt signals

c++, cpp, python, qt
pip install Eupompos==0.0.6a2


A GPLv3/Python3/CLI project

Eupompos is a very naive and limited [Python|C++]Qt parser to get informations about signals.

installation, execution, uninstallation

  $ pip install eupompos
  $ eupompos example_cpp/ --configfile=eupompos.ini 
  $ pip uninstall eupompos

  Developpers may prefer to launch their own version of Eupompos :
  $ ./bin/eupompos example_cpp/ --configfile=eupompos.ini

command line invocation

  positional arguments:
    sourcepath            source path of the code to be analysed

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --configfile CONFIGFILE
                          confile file name, by default ./eupompos.ini (default:
    --verbosity {1,2,3,4}
                          degree of verbosity of the output. 1 : only the error
                          messages; 2 : only the error and the warning messages;
                          3 : all messages except debug messages; 4 : all
                          messages, including debug debug messages; (default: 3)

doc:exit codes

-1 : can't read config file

parsers' capability

C++ :

* functions declarations using initializer are correctly read;
* multiline functions' declarations are correctly read;
* same functions declarations inside different #if/#else... contexts are read
  as different functions;

Python : * ...