
Comprehensive event generation framework

pip install EvGen==



Comprehensive event generation framework.


Have you ever had a need to create some meaningful data? Say, large set of log files that will comply to certain structure or series of events that are NOT fully random?

This is the reason why evgen(a.k.a. event generator) was born. Its sole purpuse is to help you simulate data on your terms. It has been written and supports both Python 2 and 3.

As for now evgen supports out of the box:

  • Highly flexible architecture to deal with complex business scenarios
  • JSON and CSV file formats (and ability to support virtually any format you may imagine)
  • RabbitMQ and Azure Event Hubs connectivity for real-time message generation


The easiest way to start using evgen is by using pip.:

pip install evgen

It comes together with a few useful samples (see examples directory)

Your first evgen project

Let's study the most basic example of evgen usage (you may find full source code in examples\basic.py). We start with loading several necessary classes:

from evgen.core import SessionTemplate, GenericEventTemplate
from evgen.writers import ConsoleWriter

Next we're defining a session containing two types of events - "start" and "stop". While registering the event we can define also 2 other very important properties: probability (value between 0 and 1 saying what are the odds this particular event will happen) and delay (numeric value in milliseconds describing the distance to next event):

session = SessionTemplate()
session.add_event(GenericEventTemplate("start"), probability = 1, delay=5000)
session.add_event(GenericEventTemplate("stop"), probability = 1)

To make it easy, our session will simply print the contents to standard console. This can be achieved by attaching relevant writer and calling generate() method:


Here's the final output (notice 5 sec delay between the events):

2017-04-10 20:39:45.687000,685ce816a9d943328e68c7cf938a7f2e,start
2017-04-10 20:39:50.657000,685ce816a9d943328e68c7cf938a7f2e,stop

Next steps

  • High-level architecture and building blocks description
  • More cool examples