
A library for easily transforming files

pip install FileTransforms==0.1.1



This project started as a few basic Python functions to replace some very old Excel VBA macros that were used to reformatted client files. The original iteration had a lot of hard-coded header values, but this package can be used to generate a wide variety of outputs with relative ease.

Converting Excel Workbooks

This package originally included a function that would automatically convert Excel files to CSVs automatically, but it was removed because it was kind of hacky and might not have been reliably invoked. If pandas is available, this conversion can be done with convert_xlsx_to_csv() in


Some functions in the BaseTransform class had to be heavily modified to not rely upon hard-coded header values, but they have not been thoroughly tested yet. The original code was developed over several years and had to accommodate a wide variety of wild input formats, so more major refactoring of BaseTransform is to be expected.