
A package that extends Flask-RESTful resources to make creating resources for database use easier and faster.

dbbase, flask, flask-extensions, flask-restful, flask-sqlalchemy, serialization
pip install Flask-RESTful-DBBase==0.4.0



This package extends Flask-RESTful by implementing datacentric Web API Resources using DBBase for enabling the use of SQLAlchemy.

DBBase enables the same coding of database models to be used within Flask or without, such as from message queues.

Creating a website can result in a fair amount of boilerplate code as the same characteristics for table models are recreated at each layer. Then, the boilerplate code must be tested as well, resulting in boilerplate testcode.

Using this package, the database models are introspected and applied to the API, resulting in less code over all.

This package should be thought of as a tool rather than a framework. It can coexist with other Flask packages. A framework can get awkward on edge cases as a seemingly straight-forward idea turns out to be very difficult due to trying to fit it into the framework design.

Inherent in the design is an understanding that the simplest cases can be done simply, but that there are additional ways to open up the functionality to accommodate more complex issues.

And, if the issue encountered does not fit this package's approach, the original resource classes can be used with no loss of functionality.