
A clean interface to pywebpush from Flask

flask, webpush
pip install Flask-pyWebPush==1.0



PyPI version shields.io

A clean interface to pywebpush from Flask. Basically, a very thin wrapper.


The package is available at the PyPI:

$ pip install flask-pywebpush



Instantiate this extension like any other Flask extension:

from flask_pywebpush import WebPush
app = Flask()
push = WebPush(app)

Or you may initialize the extension with the Flask instance later:

from flask_pywebpush import WebPush
app = Flask()
push = WebPush()

VAPID keys and sender info

WebPush sender requires a private key and an identification URL to operate. For more information on those values, see this article on Google Developers.

You may specify these values to the extension by setting the following configuration variables of the Flask instance:

  • WEBPUSH_VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY The application server private key. As with pywebpush, it may either be the literal key value (DER representation) or a path to a VAPID EC2 private key PEM file;
  • WEBPUSH_SENDER_INFO: a URL containing information to contact the notification sender. Commonly a mailto: URL.

Alternatively, you can pass these values on creation of the WebPush extension instance or to the init_app method later on:

from flask_pywebpush import WebPush
push = WebPush(private_key='some_value',

Notification sending

Assuming you've got the subscription storage done, you may send a notification to a given subscription object like so:

from flask_pywebpush import WebPushException

subscription = {
    'endpoint': '---some-value---',
    'keys': { ... }
notification = {
    'title': 'Test',
    'body': 'notification body',

    push.send(subscription, notification)
except WebPushException as exc:

You can also pass keyword arguments like verbose=True to .send(), which will be directly passed to pywebpush.webpush()

Extended Usage

Since this is a wrapper over pywebpush, it exposes the main objects of the underlying library, namely, webpush, WebPushException, WebPusher.
All of them may be directly imported from flask_pywebpush.

The WebPush extension instance also has a get_webpusher(subscription) method, allowing you to get a pywebpush.WebPusher instance for a given subscription.

If your usage requires more VAPID claims than simply {"sub": "sender_info"}, then you may override the passed claims using the set_claims method:

from flask_pywebpush import WebPush
push = WebPush()
push.set_claims({})  # whatever VAPID claims you might need
