
Some special functions for some python objects.

list, string, datetime, directory, path, camelcase, date, python3, snakecase
pip install FreqObjectOps==0.1.1



Some special functions for some python objects.

Install with pip

$ pip install FreqObjectOps


  1. Import the library.
    from FreqObjectOps import DateOps, DirOps, ListOps, StrOps
  2. Each of the imported submodules has several functions. Please refer to respective help for more information.


  1. DateOps.get_year(date_entity, date_format): get year from date
  2. DateOps.text_to_datetime(text, date_format): convert text to date
  3. DateOps.get_difference_in_year(from_date, to_date, date_format): get corrected year-difference between two dates


  1. DirOps.get_dir_from_filepath(file_path): get directory from a file path
  2. DirOps.get_basename_from_filepath(file_path): get basename from a file path
  3. DirOps.get_file_extension_from_filepath(file_path): get file extension from a file path
  4. DirOps.exists_dir(dir_): check if the directory exists
  5. DirOps.filter_out_temporary_files(file_list): filter temporary files from a list of files
  6. DirOps.get_all_files_in_dir(dir_, pattern, recursive): get all files in a directory that matches certain pattern
  7. DirOps.get_latest_file_in_dir(dir_, pattern): get latest file in a directory that matches certain pattern
  8. DirOps.get_abs_path(file_path): get absolute path for a file path
  9. DirOps.get_norm_path(file_path): get normalized path for a file path


  1. ListOps.remove_duplicates(unfiltered_list, sorted, reversed): get filtered list with unique elements
  2. ListOps.get_intersection(list_one, list_two): get common elements between two lists
  3. ListOps.get_union(list_one, list_two): get all elements between two lists
  4. ListOps.get_flat_list(list_of_lists): get flattened list


  1. StrOps.is_camel_case(text): check if text is in camelCase
  2. StrOps.remove_accent(text): remove accent from text
  3. StrOps.clean_snake_case(text): clean snake case
  4. StrOps.text_to_alpha_numeric(text, replace_string): remove non-alphanumeric characters from text
  5. StrOps.text_to_camel_case(text, case): convert text to camelCase
  6. StrOps.camel_case_to_snake_case(text, case): convert camelCase to snake_case
  7. StrOps.text_to_snake_case(text, case): convert text to snake_case


© 2020, Samyak Ratna Tamrakar.