
Improving Ganga for better productivity.

pip install GangaCK==1.0.0



Improving Ganga for better productivity.

package version pipeline status coverage report License: GPL v3 Documentation Status python version


  • Jobtree: improved visualization of jobtree for better jobs organization. This can be called both inside/outside ganga interactive session.

  • IOUtils: Misc operations to convert to/from (collection of) PFN, LFN, Bookkeeping uri (evt+std://, sim+std://), PPL, xml, lfns, eos, ... There is a caching algorithm to help where it's usefully applicable. One particular application is where it can accept arbitary argument from the list of support inputs above. For example:
        'some/local/file.dst', # LOCAL
        'root://some-remote-file.dst',  # REMOTE
        'file:///another-remote-file.dst',  # REMOTE
        '/lhcb/MC/Dev/LDST/00041927/0000/00041927_00000002_1.ldst', # LFN
        'evt+std://MC/2012/42100000/Beam4000GeV-2012-MagDown-Nu2.5-Pythia8/...', # BKQ
        'sim+std://LHCb/Collision12/Beam4000GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown/...',  # BKQ
        '$EOS_HOME/ganga/4083/000.dst', # EOS
        '/cvmfs/', # XML
        open('text_file_with_url_per_line.txt'), # local list
        jobs(123),  # output from another Ganga job.
        LHCbDataset(['foo', 'bar']),  # another ds.
    ) # accept heterogenous input appropriately,
  • Magics: because ganga is embedded inside IPython, why not more magics?

    • jv : show status of subjobs from all running jobs. Extremely useful for monitoring.
    • jt : for improved jobtree operation.
    • peek: based on Job.peek, but look deeper when possible.
    • jsh : provide shell-like syntax to operate Job with less (no-shift) typing, for example, jsh 197.12 remove True instead of jobs("197.12").remove(True). Less typing saves your life's time...
    • grun: similar to the built-in magic ganga, but it'll pick the local ganga*.py immediately or ask in case of ambiguity.
    • resubmit: Smartly handle resubmission/backend.reset of failed Dirac jobs based on its failing status (e.g., "Pending Requests", "Job has reached the CPU limit of the queue", "Stalling for more than ...", etc.)
  • Additional instance methods:

    • Job: lfn_list, lfn_size, lfn_purge, pfn_size, ppl_list, eos_list, humansize, is_final.
    • Gauss: nickname, to retrieve nickname from $DECFILESROOT.


  • ganga_cache_viewer: display the list of cache made by this package.

  • ganga_cleaner: Complete all-in-one script for tidying your ganga environment.

  • offline_ganga_reader: Quick script to read the content in Ganga's JobTree offline.

  • xmlgensum: Report summary of GeneratorLog.xml from all subjobs of Ganga-Gauss-Job

  • xmlmerge: Merge summary.xml files from Ganga's subjobs and neatly archive the dir.


It's available on pip: pip install gangack


This package was written and used during my PhD in 2013-2017 at EPFL (Lausanne) and LHCb collaboration (CERN), for the work in Z->tau tau cross-section measurement and H->mu tau searches at LHCb (8TeV).

As such, it's developped during the period of Ganga 5.34 -- 6.0.44. Because of the fast-pace development and non-backward compat nature of Ganga, this package can be obsoleted against newer version of Ganga.