This package provide most part of the commom services used in many projects in the LPS High Energy physics projects.
Installation using pip:
pip3 install --upgrade Gaugi
NOTE: Make sure that you are using the latest package in case you have the saphyra installed.
Installing from source:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Install it!
cd Gaugi && easy_install --user .
- Algorithm service;
- Event context design;
- File system (Save and Load);
- Logger;
- Tool Services;
- Class streamable service;
Extra Features (ROOT mandatory):
- Event loop services;
- Histograms and TTree storage services;
- Monet ATLAS plots.
For future: Support to multithread.
- Dr. João Victor da Fonseca Pinto, UFRJ/COPPE, CERN/ATLAS ( [maintainer, developer]
- Dr. Werner Freund, UFRJ/COPPE, CERN/ATLAS ( [developer]
- Msc. Micael Veríssimo de Araújo, UFRJ/COPPE, CERN/ATLAS ( [developer]
- Eng. Gabriel Milan Gazola, UFRJ/COPPE, CERN/ATLAS ( [developer]