
A building heat load calculator

building, heat, load, calculator, EN, 12831-1
pip install Heaty==2020.10b1




Tom Christiaens. Have a look at http://www.dirkchristiaens.be.


Heaty is a building heat load calculator that implements the "standard method" set out in the European standard EN 12831-1:2017, section 6.

Installation and Usage

Heaty's source code is available at https://github.com/TomLXXVI/heaty.

Several installation options are available:

Option 1
If you have Python installed on your computer, you can clone the repository or download it as a ZIP-file from GitHub. After that, you need to create a source or built distribution using the setup.py file in the repository. To do this, after cloning or unzipping the remote repository on your local computer, step into your local repository folder and type at the command prompt:

python setup.py sdist

to create a source distribution (Heaty-2020.10b1.tar.gz), or, if if you have wheel installed, you can also type:

python setup.py bdist_wheel

to create a wheel distribution (Heaty-2020.10b1-py3-none-any.whl).
You can then use this distribution file in your own project by taking the following steps:

  • Create a new project folder.
  • Create a virtual environment and activate it.
  • Copy the distribution file into your project folder.
  • Type e.g. pip install Heaty-2020.10b1.tar.gz to install the distribution in the virtual environment of your project.
  • Type heaty at the command prompt in your project folder to launch the GUI-program.

Option 2
You can find Heaty also on PyPi. To install the distribution package directly from Pypi, create your project folder and virtual environment as described under option 1, and type pip install heaty at the command prompt. When pip is finished, type heaty at the command prompt in your project folder to launch the GUI-program.

Option 3
Windows 10 users can download from GitHub, under the folder executable a ZIP-file heaty.zip that contains the EXE-file heaty.exe. Save the ZIP-file anywhere you want on your computer and unzip it there. The result will be a self-contained application folder heaty. In this folder, double click heaty.exe to launch the GUI program.

Once Heaty is running, further explanation about what Heaty can do and how to use it can be found under the Help menu of the running program, under User Guide. The user guide is a PDF-document that will be opened in your standard PDF-reader or web browser.


"Heaty" has been developed with Python 3.8 on a Windows 10 computer.