
A simple dependency injector based on type hints

dependency, injection, DI
pip install HinteDI==0.2.0


HinteDI - simple dependency injection system with type hints

This package is a small utility I have been using in my own projects, a super simple tool for basic dependency injection in python based on type hints and decorators.

This package exposes three classes: HinteDI, InjectionException and InstanceSentinel. Import HinteDI and use @HinteDI.singleton and @HinteDI.instance to create dependencies and @HinteDI.inject to mark a function as requiring dependency injection. Type hint the dependencies in the injected function and HinteDI will inject the dependencies for you. You can also use @HinteDI.abstract_base, @HinteDI.singleton_implementation and @HinteDI.instance_implementation to create factory-style abstract dependencies resolvable with a set key. See the docs at GitHub pages for better documentation about the package.