ITTR - Pytorch
Implementation of the Hybrid Perception Block (HPB
) and Dual-Pruned Self-Attention (DPSA
) block from the ITTR paper for Image to Image Translation using Transformers.
$ pip install ITTR-pytorch
They had 9 blocks of Hybrid Perception Block (HPB) in the paper
import torch
from ITTR_pytorch import HPB
block = HPB(
dim = 512, # dimension
dim_head = 32, # dimension per attention head
heads = 8, # number of attention heads
attn_height_top_k = 16, # number of top indices to select along height, for the attention pruning
attn_width_top_k = 16, # number of top indices to select along width, for the attention pruning
attn_dropout = 0., # attn dropout
ff_mult = 4, # expansion factor of feedforward
ff_dropout = 0. # feedforward dropout
fmap = torch.randn(1, 512, 32, 32)
out = block(fmap) # (1, 512, 32, 32)
You can also use the dual-pruned self-attention as so
import torch
from ITTR_pytorch import DPSA
attn = DPSA(
dim = 512, # dimension
dim_head = 32, # dimension per attention head
heads = 8, # number of attention heads
height_top_k = 48, # number of top indices to select along height, for the attention pruning
width_top_k = 48, # number of top indices to select along width, for the attention pruning
dropout = 0. # attn dropout
fmap = torch.randn(1, 512, 32, 32)
out = attn(fmap) # (1, 512, 32, 32)
title = {ITTR: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Transformers},
author = {Wanfeng Zheng and Qiang Li and Guoxin Zhang and Pengfei Wan and Zhongyuan Wang},
year = {2022}