
The `JsonStructor` library is a Python package that simplifies the process of working with JSON files. It offers a user-friendly interface for reading, writing, and editing JSON data, making it easy to add, remove, or alter key-value pairs in a JSON file. Ideal for developers who need to interact with JSON data in their applications, `JsonStructor` streamlines common JSON operations with its straightforward and intuitive methods.

pip install JsonStructor==0.0.9


JsonStructor Library

The JsonStructor library is a Python package that simplifies working with JSON files. It provides methods to read, write, add, remove, and replace elements in a JSON file.


You can install the JsonStructor library directly from PyPI:

pip install JsonStructor


  • Easy reading and writing of JSON files.
  • Ability to add new key-value pairs.
  • Option to remove existing keys.
  • Functionality to replace values for existing keys.



Import the JsonFile class from the JsonStructor package and initialize it with the path to your JSON file.

from JsonStructor import JsonFile

json_file = JsonFile('path/to/your/file.json')

Reading Content

To read content from a JSON file, use the get method.

content = json_file.get()

Writing Content

To write content to a JSON file, use the set method with a dictionary.

data = {'key': 'value'}

Adding New Key-Value Pairs

To add a new key-value pair to a JSON file, use the add_new_key method.

json_file.add_new_key('new_key', 'new_value')

Removing Key-Value Pairs

To remove an existing key-value pair from a JSON file, use the remove_key method.


Error Handling

The JsonStructor library includes error handling for common issues such as non-existent files or invalid JSON content.


Each method in the JsonFile class has detailed docstrings with parameters, return types, and raised exceptions information.


Below are some examples demonstrating how to use the JsonStructor library:

Reading from a File

# Initialize the JsonFile object
json_file = JsonFile('data.json')

# Read data from the file
data = json_file.get()

Writing to a File

# Initialize the JsonFile object
json_file = JsonFile('data.json')

# Write new data to the file
json_file.set({'new_key': 'new_value'})

Adding a New Key

# Initialize the JsonFile object
json_file = JsonFile('data.json')

# Add a new key-value pair
json_file.add_new_key('another_key', 'another_value')

Removing an Existing Key

# Initialize the JsonFile object
json_file = JsonFile('data.json')

# Remove an existing key

For more information and advanced usage, refer to the docstrings provided within the JsonStructor.py module.

This markdown document can be used as part of your project's README.md or as standalone documentation for users who want to install and use the `JsonStructor` library.