Persian Date & Time library (aka: Jalali Calendar) with timezone, DST(daylight-saving), full formatting & parsing support for python 2 & 3 including c extention

Khayyam, persian, jalali, date, time, datetime, conversion
pip install Khayyam==3.0.14



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Basic Usage

>>> from khayyam import *
>>> JalaliDate(1346, 12, 30)
khayyam.JalaliDate(1346, 12, 30, Chaharshanbeh)
>>> JalaliDatetime(989, 3, 25, 10, 43, 23, 345453)
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(989, 3, 25, 10, 43, 23, 345453, Seshanbeh)

Current date and time

>>> print(
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 5, 18, 16, 4, 48, 628383, Yekshanbeh)
>>> print( - timedelta(days=6*30))
1393-11-02 20:01:11.663719+03:30
>>> print(

Parsing & Formatting

>>> print('%C'))
شنبه ۳ مرداد ۱۳۹۴ ۰۲:۳۷:۵۲ ب.ظ
>>> JalaliDatetime.strptime(u'چهارشنبه ۳۱ تیر ۱۳۹۴ ۰۵:۴۵:۴۰ ب.ظ', '%C')
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 31, 17, 45, 40, 0, Chaharshanbeh)


>>> from datetime import date, datetime
>>> JalaliDate(1394, 4, 31).todate(), 7, 22)
>>> now = JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 31, 15, 38, 6, 37269)
>>> now.todate(), 7, 22)
>>> now.todatetime()
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 22, 15, 38, 6, 37269)
>>> JalaliDatetime(datetime(2015, 7, 22, 14, 47, 9, 821830))
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 31, 14, 47, 9, 821830, Chaharshanbeh)
>>> JalaliDatetime(datetime(2015, 7, 22, 14, 47, 9, 821830, TehranTimezone()))
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 31, 14, 47, 9, 821830, tzinfo=+03:30 dst:60, Chaharshanbeh)
>>> JalaliDate(date(2015, 7, 22))
khayyam.JalaliDate(1394, 4, 31, Chaharshanbeh)

Arithmetics & Operators

>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> from khayyam import JalaliDate, JalaliDatetime
>>> now = JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 31, 16, 17, 31, 374398)
>>> now + timedelta(days=1)
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 5, 1, 16, 17, 31, 374398, Panjshanbeh)
>>> now + timedelta(seconds=3600)
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 31, 17, 17, 31, 374398, Chaharshanbeh)
>>> now - timedelta(seconds=3600)
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 31, 15, 17, 31, 374398, Chaharshanbeh)
>>> yesterday = now - timedelta(1)
>>> yesterday
khayyam.JalaliDatetime(1394, 4, 30, 16, 17, 31, 374398, Seshanbeh)
>>> now - yesterday
>>> - now
datetime.timedelta(0, 478, 328833) # 478 seconds taken to writing this section


>>> now > yesterday
>>> now != yesterday
>>> now.todate() == yesterday.todate()

Change Log

  • 3.0.15:
    • BUGFIX: Removing from sphinx.util import inspect from
  • 3.0.11
    • Allmost the all API's are documented.
  • 3.0.10
    • Imoprting JalaliDateFormatter & JalaliDatetimeFormatter in
    • Accept also callable in JalaliDatetime.__init__(tzinfo=...) for tzinfo argument.
    • JalaliDatetime APIs, well documented.
  • 3.0.9
    • Removing pypy from travis, due the travis bug: buffer overflow !
  • 3.0.0
    • Raising TypeError instead of ValueError on overloaded operators, if the given type is mismatch.
    • Fixing tests to pass on systems that configured as UTC.
    • 100% Code coverage
    • Moving all tests to khayyam/tests
    • Removing some uncovered, obsolete code lines
  • 2.11.0
    • Using pure C instead of cython. Now the C extension is as fast as possible.
    • Including OSX in travis.yaml for python 2 & 3
    • Including pypy 2 & 3 tests in travis.yaml
  • 2.10.0
    • Add english weekday format directive
  • 2.9.8
    • Registering on
    • Registering on
    • Registering on
  • 2.9.7
    • Fixing problem in in python3 #15
  • 2.9.3
    • for windows
  • 2.9.1
    • Release !
  • 2.9.1b2
    • encoding all __repr__ functions
  • 2.9.1b1 (2015-07-30)
    • Fixing bug
  • 2.9.1b0 (2015-07-30)
    • Using any available C compiler if cython is not available.
    • Using pure python if any error raised on installation with extension.
  • 2.9.0b0 (2015-07-30)
    • All algorithms reimplemented using cython and static typing, so the calculation
      with new C extension is very faster than python pure algorithm implementation.
    • Fallback switch to pure python algorithm implementation, if compiled binaries not available.
    • Test case(s) for algorithms(C & Python).
  • 2.8.0b1 (2015-07-28)
    • Jalalidate.timetuple method implemented from scratch including unit test.
    • Some methods with underscore renamed: JalaliDate.*_ascii to JalaliDate.*ascii
  • 2.7.0b2 (2015-07-26)
    • README.rst
  • 2.7.0-beta (2015-07-25)
    • some bug fixes.
    • method Jalalidate.fromdate removed. use constructor instead: JalaliDate(date)
    • method Jalalidate.fromjulianday removed. use constructor instead: JalaliDate(julian_days=..)
    • method Jalalidate.fromdatetime removed. use constructor instead: JalaliDatetime(datetime)
  • 2.6.0-beta (2015-07-25)
    • All possible formatting directives(a-z, A-Z) are supported, except: T
    • All format directives are tested.
    • Formatting and parsing test cases moved to khayyam.formatting.tests package.
    • In project: docs/html
    • JalaliDate.from_julian_days renamed to JalaliDate.fromjuliandays
    • JalaliDate.from_julian_days renamed to JalaliDate.fromjuliandays
    • JalaliDate.days_in_month renamed to JalaliDate.daysinmonth
    • JalaliDate.is_leap renamed to JalaliDate.isleap
    • JalaliDatetime Modern properties.
    • updated
  • 2.5.0-beta (2015-07-23)
    • Doc: doctest
    • Doc: formatting and parsing directives table.
    • Doc: adding examples of new formatting directives in introduction: %D, %J, %R, %N, %n, %F, %h, %i, %r, %s, %o.
    • local date & time formats are changed: digits -> persian
    • Formatting and parsing test cases has been separated
  • 2.4.0-beta (2015-07-22)
    • Persian Numbers
    • %D, %J, %R, %N, %n, %F, %h, %i, %r, %s, %o directives has been added.
  • 2.3.0-alpha (2015-07-22)
    • Constants are moved to formatting packages except MINYEAR, MAXYEAR ans weekdays.
    • Doc: Introduction -> Formatting & parsing
    • Doc: Introduction -> Converting
    • New methods jalaliDate.todate, jalaliDate.fromdate, jalaliDatetime.todatetime and jalaliDatetime.fromdatetime
    • Removed methods jalaliDate.to_date, jalaliDate.from_date, jalaliDatetime.to_datetime and jalaliDatetime.fromdate_time
  • 2.2.1-alpha (2015-07-21)
    • Doc: Reading package's version automatically from khayyam/ in sphinx/
    • Doc: Installation: (PYPI, Development version)
    • Doc: Testing
    • Doc: Contribution
  • 2.2.0-alpha (2015-07-21)
    • Generating API Documentation
  • 2.1.0-alpha (2015-07-20)
    • Adding ascii weekdayname in JalaliDatetime and JalaliDate representation(__repr__).
  • 2.0.0-alpha (2015-07-19) Incompatible with < 2.0.0
    • JalaliDate: method localformat renamed to localdateformat.
    • JalaliDatetime: method localformat renamed to localdatetimeformat.
    • JalaliDatetime: method localshortformat_ascii renamed to localshortformatascii.
    • JalaliDatetime: method localdatetimeformat_ascii renamed to localdatetimeformatascii.
    • JalaliDatetime: method ampm_ascii renamed to ampmascii.
    • JalaliDatetime: Migrating to New Formatter/Parser Engine
    • TehTz: renamed to TehranTimezone
    • Comparison and Timezones
    • Comparison with & datetime.datetime
    • Fixing timezone bug
  • 1.1.0 (2015-07-17)
    • JalaliDate: New Formatter/Parser & full unittests.