
Assist mode for python

Assist, mode, library, open-source, python
pip install Kittyscript==2.9.8



Kittyscript is a Python library to make life easier.

PyPi for Package History | Github | Wiki | Help with kittyscript | forum


Use the package manager pip to install kittyscript.

pip install kittyscript


import kittyscript

#To print text type say() how does it work its just like print in python

generatenumber() #How to generate a random number

#Note: Now generatenumber will have parameters like generatenumber(200, 1000)

addnum() #is used to add two numbers together like this addnum(10, 20) The answer would be 30

addfloat() #is the exact same but with floats

divide() #divides two numbers

version() #shows the current version

CreateFile() #has 2 perimeters CreateFile("Nameoffile.something", "Content of file")

#Short description: Creates a file with text in it

hashshaw256() #create a hash by hashshaw256("putting the text you want to hash here")

#Short description: create hashes

curtime() #shows current time

SecureRandom(min, max) #prints a cryptographicly secure number

help() #directs to the wiki

wait(time to wait in intigers) #wait in seconds

Pi #over 67 digits of pi in a float

E #the math thing

kill() #exits the program

spyware() #a super simple keyboard logger

coinflip() #choses either Tales or Heads

diceroll() #rolls a 6 sided dice

checkemail(Email) #checks if a email is valid

randomstring() #porduses a random string

run(file) #runs a file

wnb(number1, Number2) #tells witch number is bigger

UploadCurFolder(port) #uploads current folder to localhost://

cute() #prints the name of the cuttest dog ever!

Genorateqrcode(URL) #makes a qr code

weather(city) #shows the weather in the city that is selected


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to not add libraries with vounrabilities to the project.



What kittyscript can do

  • Help a begginer learn python
  • make frequent things to do in python simpler
  • K.O your dog