
Moberg Analytics HDF5 Functions

pip install Moberg-Analytics-HDF5==1.0.0


Moberg Analytics HDF5 Functions

This package provides user-friendly functions organized into Classes for reading HDF5 file content and components into Python. It is built on top of the h5py package which interfaces directly with the HDF5 file.


Install the Moberg-Analytics-HDF5 package from PyPI:

pip install Moberg-Analytics-HDF5

This package was created using Python version 3.9.0.

How to use

1 - Import the hdf5_tools module from moberg_analytics_hdf5 package into Python:

from moberg_analytics_hdf5 import hdf5_tools

2 - Select the path to the HDF5 file:

hdf5_filepath = r"path to the hdf5 file"

3 - Instantiate the HDF5Content, HDF5Components, and/or the HDF5Helper class:

-The HDF5Content class contains functions that organize the content of the HDF5 file into lists and dictionaries.

-The HDF5Components class contains functions that return various components of the HDF5 file such as groups, datasets, dataset values, NumPy/Pandas matrices of dataset values, metadata attributes, and structured dictionaries.

-The HDF5Helper class contains functions for argument, group, dataset, and duplicate checks and adds additional functionality to the HDF5Content and HDF5Components classes.

hdf5_content = hdf5_tools.HDF5Content(hdf5_filepath=hdf5_filepath)

hdf5_comps = hdf5_tools.HDF5Components(hdf5_filepath=hdf5_filepath)

hdf5_helper = hdf5_tools.HDF5Helper()

4 - Use the functions as detailed in the documentation below.


The Moberg-Analytics-HDF5 documentation is located here.