
Baseband Digital Linear Modems

communications, digital, modulation, demodulation, psk, qam, baseband, communication, digital-linear-modulations, linear-digital-modems, modems
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Digital baseband linear modems: M-PSK and M-QAM.


The main idea is to develop a Python module that allows replacing related to baseband digital linear modulations MatLab/Octave functions and objects. This project is inspired by CommPy open-source project.

Theory basics

1. Linearity

Linear modulation schemes have a canonical form [1]:

 s(t) = s_I(t)cos(2\pi f_c t) - s_Q(t)cos(2\pi f_c t) \qquad (1)

where s_I(t) is the In-phase part, s_Q(t) is the Quadrature part, f_c is the carrier frequency, and t is the time moment. In-phase and Quadrature parts are low-pass signals that linearly correlate with an information signal.

2. Baseband representation

Modulation scheme can also be modeled without consideration of the carrier frequency and bit duration. The baseband analogs can be used for research due to the main properties depend on the envelope (complex symbols).

3. Modulation order

Modulation order means number of possible modulation symbols. The number of bits per modulation symbol depend on the modulation order:

 N = log_2(M) \qquad(2)

Modulation order relates to gross bit rate concept:

 R_b = R_slog_2(N) \qquad(3)

where R_s is the baud or symbol rate. Baud rate usually relates to the coherence bandwidth B_c (see more in [2]).

See more in "Basics of linear digital modulations" (slides).


Released version on PyPi:

$ pip install ModulationPy

To build by sources, clone from github and install as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd ModulationPy
$ python3 install

What are modems available?

  • M-PSK: Phase Shift Keying
  • M-QAM: Quadratured Amplitude Modulation

where M is the modulation order.

1. M-PSK

M-PSK modem is available in class PSKModem with the following parameters:

Parametr Possible values Description
M positive integer values power of 2 Modulation order. Specify the number of points in the signal constellation as scalar value that is a positive integer power of two.
phi float values Phase rotation. Specify the phase offset of the signal constellation, in radians, as a real scalar value. The default is 0.
gray_map True or False Specifies mapping rule. If parametr is True the modem works with Gray mapping, else it works with Binary mapping. The default is True.
bin_input True or False Specify whether the input of modulate() method is bits or integers. When you set this property to True, the modulate() method input requires a column vector of bit values. The length of this vector must an integer multiple of log2(M). The default is True.
soft_decision True or False Specify whether the output values of demodulate() method is demodulated as hard or soft decisions. If parametr is True the output will be Log-likelihood ratios (LLR's), else binary symbols. The default is True.
bin_output True or False Specify whether the output of demodulate() method is bits or integers. The default is True.

The mapping of into the modulation symbols is done by the following formula [3]:

 r = exp(j\phi + j2\pi m/M)

where  \phi is the phase rotation,  m is the decimal input symbol, and  M is the modulation order.

The input  m should be in range between 0 and M-1.

If the input is binary, the conversion from binary to decimal should be done before. Therefore, additional supportive method __de2bin() is implemented. This method has an additional heuristic: the bit sequence of "even" modulation schemes (e.g., QPSK) should be read right to left.

2. M-QAM

M-QAM modem is available in class QAMModem with the following parameters:

Parametr Possible values Description
M positive integer values power of 2 Modulation order. Specify the number of points in the signal constellation as scalar value that is a positive integer power of two.
gray_map True or False Specifies mapping rule. If parametr is True the modem works with Gray mapping, else it works with Binary mapping. The default is True.
bin_input True or False Specify whether the input of modulate() method is bits or integers. When you set this property to True, the modulate() method input requires a column vector of bit values. The length of this vector must an integer multiple of log2(M). The default is True.
soft_decision True or False Specify whether the output values of demodulate() method is demodulated as hard or soft decisions. If parametr is True the output will be Log-likelihood ratios (LLR's), else binary symbols. The default is True.
bin_output True or False Specify whether the output of demodulate() method is bits or integers. The default is True.

Now the QAM modulation is designed as in qammod Octave function [4]. It requires only "even" (in sense, that log2(M) is even) modulation schemes (4-QAM, 16-QAM, 64-QAM and so on).

Actually, this fact has its own reasons:

To implement correct Gray mapping the additional heuristic is used: the even "columns" in the signal constellation is complex conjugated.

How to use?

1. Initialization.

E.g., QPSK with the pi/4 phase offset, binary input and Gray mapping:

from ModulationPy import PSKModem, QAMModem
import numpy as np

modem = PSKModem(4, np.pi/4,

To show signal constellation use the plot_const() method:


E.g. 16-QAM with decimal input and Gray mapping

modem = QAMModem(16,


2. Modulation and demodulation

To modulate and demodulate use modulate() and demodulate() methods.

The method modulate() has the one input argument:

  • decimal or binary stream to be modulated (1-D ndarray of ints).

The method demodulate() has the two input arguments:

  • data stream to be demodulated (1-D ndarray of complex symbols) and

  • additive noise variance (float, default is 1.0).

E.g., QPSK (binary input/otput):

import numpy as np
from ModulationPy import PSKModem

modem = PSKModem(4, np.pi/4, 

msg = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]) # input message

modulated = modem.modulate(msg) # modulation
demodulated = modem.demodulate(modulated) # demodulation

print("Modulated message:\n"+str(modulated))
print("Demodulated message:\n"+str(demodulated))

>>> Modulated message:
[ 0.70710678+0.70710678j  0.70710678-0.70710678j -0.70710678+0.70710678j
 >>> Demodulated message:
[0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 1. 1.]

E.g., QPSK (decimal input/otput):

import numpy as np
from ModulationPy import PSKModem

modem = PSKModem(4, np.pi/4, 

msg = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]) # input message

modulated = modem.modulate(msg) # modulation
demodulated = modem.demodulate(modulated) # demodulation

print("Modulated message:\n"+str(modulated))
print("Demodulated message:\n"+str(demodulated))

>>> Modulated message:
[ 0.70710678+0.70710678j -0.70710678+0.70710678j  0.70710678-0.70710678j
 >>> Demodulated message:
[0, 1, 2, 3]

E.g., 16-QAM (decimal input/output):

import numpy as np
from ModulationPy import QAMModem

modem = PSKModem(16, 

msg = np.array([i for i in range(16)]) # input message

modulated = modem.modulate(msg) # modulation
demodulated = modem.demodulate(modulated) # demodulation

print("Demodulated message:\n"+str(demodulated))

>>> Demodulated message:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

Why soft decision was not tested and demonstarted? MathWorks company provides several algorithms to demodulate BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK and other M-PSK modulations. To reduce the number of implemented schemes the following way is used in our project:

  • calculate LLRs (soft decision)
  • map LLR to bits according to the sign of LLR (inverse of NRZ)

So, this works. We guess the complexity issues are not the critical part due to hard output demodulators are not so popular. This phenomenon depends on channel decoders properties: e.g., Convolutional codes, Turbo convolutional codes and LDPC codes work better with LLR.

3. Bit-error ratio performance

Let us demonstrate this at example with the following system model:

Fig. 1. The structural scheme of the test communication model.

The simulation results will be compared with theoretical curves [5]:

P_b = \frac{erfc \left( \sqrt{log_2(M)\frac{E_b}{N_o}}\sin\left( \frac{\pi}{M} \right) \right)}{log_2(M)}

where M >4 , erfc(*) denotes the complementary error function, E_b is the energy per one bit, and N_o is the noise spectral density.

In case of BPSK and QPSK the following formula should be used for error probability:

P_{b, BQ} = \frac{1}{2}erfc \left( \sqrt{\frac{E_b}{N_o}}\right)} \qquad (6)

The source code of the simulation is available here. The results are presented below.

Fig. 2. Bit-error ratio curves in presence of AWGN.

TODO: Make the same with the QAMModem class.

The dismatchings are appeared cause of small number of averages. Anyway, it works.

3. Execution time performance

To demonstrate execution time performance let us comparate our package with another implementation, e.g. with the mentioned above CommPy.

The demodulation algorithm is developed according to following fomula in our project [6],[7]:

 L(b) = -\frac{1}{\sigma^2} \left( \min_{s \epsilon S_0} \left( (x - s_x)^2 + (y - s_y)^2 \right)  - \min_{s \epsilon S_1} \left( (x - s_x)^2 + (y - s_y)^2 \right)\right) \qquad(7)

where  x is the In-phase coordinate of the received symbol,  y is the Quadrature coordinate of the received symbol,  s_x is the In-phase coordinate of ideal symbol or constellation point,  s_y is the Quadrature coordinate of ideal symbol or constellation point,  S_0 is the ideal symbols or constellation points with bit 0, at the given bit position,  S_1 is the ideal symbols or constellation points with bit 1, at the given bit position,  b is the transmitted bit (one of the K bits in an M-ary symbol, assuming all M symbols are equally probable,  \sigma^2 is the noise variance of baseband signal. The decision was pre-verified in this simulation.

Comparison information:


Method (package) Average execution time (ms)
modulation (ModulationPy) 17.09
modulation (CommPy) 15.91
demodulation (ModulationPy) 7.66
demodulation (CommPy) 310.81

TODO: Make the same with the QAMModem class.

Yes, I admit that our implementation is slower than MatLab blocks and functions (see "Examples"). However, I believe that this is a good start!


  1. Haykin S. Communication systems. – John Wiley & Sons, 2008. — p. 93
  2. Goldsmith A. Wireless communications. – Cambridge university press, 2005. – p. 88-92
  3. MathWorks: comm.PSKModulator (
  4. Octave: qammod (
  5. Link Budget Analysis: Digital Modulation, Part 3 (
  6. Viterbi, A. J. (1998). An intuitive justification and a simplified implementation of the MAP decoder for convolutional codes. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 16(2), 260-264.
  7. MathWorks: Approximate LLR Algorithm (