
This minimal yet powerful library allows delegation of an objects: methods, properties, and his own member objects, to an object who owns it. Recursive delegation is also supported.Use the simple API to handle delegations.

OOP, delegation, composition
pip install ObjectDelegator==1.0.1


Delegate objects powerfully

This minimal yet powerful library allows delegating an object's: methods, properties, and his own member objects, to its owner. Recursive delegation is also supported.

Use the simple API to handle delegations.

From wikipedia, what is delegation:

In object-oriented programming, delegation refers to evaluating a member (property or method) of one object (the receiver) in the context of another original object (the sender). Delegation can be done explicitly, by passing the sending object to the receiving object, which can be done in any object-oriented language; or implicitly, by the member lookup rules of the language, which requires language support for the feature.


This is python3 only with no dependencies, simply:

pip install ObjectDelegator


ObjectDelegator is used by inheriting from Delegeator class. Delegation is then handled via the API, and delegated objects can simply be referred to as if they members of the original class subclassing Delegeator.

Define some dummy classes for the sake of example:

class RabbitHole:
    def __init__(self, txt):
        self.down_we_go = txt

class Foo:
    foo_property = 'hi'
    not_delegated_property = 'bye'
    rabbit = RabbitHole('first rabbit')

    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
    def foo(self):
        """dummy method"""
        return 'foo'

class Bar:
    rabbit_too = RabbitHole('second rabbit')
    boring = 2

Now define a class which inherits from Delegeator:

class Master(Delegator):
    def __init__(self):
        self.foo_obj = Foo()
        self.bar_obj = Bar()
        self.test = 1

# instantiate a master
master = Master()

Delegate using the set_delegated_members method of the Delegeator:

# use a diciotionary with keys as objects delegating members, and values as their members 
master.set_delegated_members({'foo_obj': ['foo', 'foo_property', 'rabbit'], 'bar_obj': ['rabbit_too']})

Delegation is versatile:

# can delegate methods
master.foo() # => 'foo'
# can delegate properties
master.foo_property # => 'hi'
# or even other objects
master.rabbit.down_we_go # => 'first rabbit'
# and another rabbit hole instance
master.rabbit_too.down_we_go # => 'second rabbit'


The API allows to:

  • Delegate objects (see above).
  • Find potential objects which can delegate their members to the master:
master.get_possible_objects_to_delegate_to()  # => ['bar_obj', 'foo_obj', 'test', 'foo', 'foo_property', 'rabbit', 'rabbit_too']
  • Find potential members which can be delegated to the master:
master.get_possible_members_to_delegate()  # => {'bar_obj': ['boring', 'rabbit_too'], 'foo_obj': ['foo', 'foo_property', 'not_delegated_property', 'rabbit'], 'test': ['as_integer_ratio', 'bit_length', 'conjugate', 'denominator', 'from_bytes', 'numerator', 'real', 'to_bytes'], 'foo': [], ...}
  • List currently delegated members:
master.get_delegated_members()  # => {'foo_obj': ['foo', 'foo_property', 'rabbit'], 'bar_obj': ['rabbit_too']}
  • Add further recursive delegation:
# Note that rabbit itself was delegated before
master.set_delegated_members({'rabbit': ['down_we_go']})
master.down_we_go   # => first rabbit
  • Raise a ValueError if we try to delegate to objects of the sae name
# if we try to delegate the second rabbit we get a ValueError as we can't have two members with the same name (down_we_go)
master.set_delegated_members({'rabbit_too': ['down_we_go']})
  • Remove delegations for a specific object:
# Now we may delegate the other rabbit
master.set_delegated_members({'rabbit_too': ['down_we_go']})
master.down_we_go  # => second rabbit
  • clear all delegations: