
PyQt-based visualization tools for PIC simulations

pip install PICviewer==1.3.0


PyQt based visualization toolkit, PICViewer


##The toolkit provides various easy-to-use functions for data analysis of PIC simulations.

Main features

  • 2D/3D openPMD or WarpX data visualization (automatically detects the data type)
  • 2D slicing in 3D images,
  • multi-plot panels (up to 6 rows x 5 columns) which are conrolled independently or synchronously,
  • interactive mouse functions (panel selection, image zoom-in, local data selection, etc),
  • making a movie file (.mp4),
  • saving your job configuration and loading it later, (you do not need to repeat the same work),
  • interface to use VisIt, yt, or mayavi for 3D volume rendering (not available now, currently updating)

Required software

conda install pyqt
  • h5py
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • yt
pip install git+https://github.com/yt-project/yt.git --user
  • numba

To install with pip

pip install picviewer

You have to install yt and PyQt5 separately as above.

For the latest updates,

pip install git+https://bitbucket.org/ecp_warpx/picviewer/

To install manually

  • Clone this repository git clone https://bitbucket.org/ecp_warpx/picviewer/
  • Switch to the cloned directory with cd picviewer and type python setup.py install

To run

  • You can start PICViewer from any directory. Type picviewer in the command line. Select a folder where your data files are located.
  • You can directly open your data. Move on to a folder where your data files ae located (cd [your data folder]) and type picviewer in the command line.

To make a movie, ffmpeg should be installed.

picture Figure shows several widget tools in the left side and multi-plot panels in the right side.