A tool that calls on NREL APIs to generate useful information for solar PV resource planning.

pip install PVWatts-Tool==1.0


PVWatts Tool

Author: Will Arnuk

Date: 6-26-17

Version: 0.1.dev
Credits: NREL
Requirements: pandas, requests, PyQt5

PVWatts_Tool is based off of NREL APIs, including the PVWatts (v5) API and the Energy Utilities API.

It allows a user to input a variety of parameters and quickly get useful information on AC potential from solar. Annual output is provided, as well as ratios for annual kWh per sq. meter and daily ratios for peak, low, and median days. Additionally, local energy utilties and rates are used to calculate the value of the annual potential from solar.

The GUI tool can be run from the python interpreter using the following commands:

import PVWatts_Tool

This launches the GUI, built using PyQt5. Input parameters are entered in the left pane, output is printed to the right.