
Recursive module importer

pip install Piggyback==0.1.1


Python  _                     _             _
   _ __(_)__ _ __ _ _  _ _  _| |__  __ _ __| |__
  | '_ \ / _` / _` | || | || | '_ \/ _` / _| / /
  | .__/_\__, \__, |\_, |\_, |_.__/\__,_\__|_\_\
  |_|    |___/|___/ |__/ |__/

Supported Pythons: 2.6+, 3.2+

Python package for finding modules recursively and then importing them. Useful for scripts/libraries which expose DSL-like stuff, like test suites and configuration.

Development goals include extensibility and stability. We aim for a robust API that although doesn't do much does what it does well. Currently we think that we've reached those goals.

from piggyback import loader

importer = loader('path')
for module in importer:

cache = importer.import_all()
module = cache['path.module']

Let Piggyback manage all the hackery required for you and go write some code. No more manual execfiles and namespace management madness. Piggyback does importing and namespaces right, namely:

  • We isolate every module that we __import__, and their namespaces are separate of one another, as well as the current module. No namespace clashes.
  • The sys.path variable remains unchanged at the end of the importing- Piggyback will ensure that the sys.path is cleansed of all appended paths once we are finished with the importing.

To install the current version of the package, simply do a pip install piggyback. For the documentation you can simply visit the docs on Github pages.
