
A Python interface to the Plex Go CLI.

plex, golang, cli, wrapper, bacalhau, bioinformatics, compbio, decentralized, desci, ipfs, p2p
pip install PlexLabExchange==0.8.10


plex 🧫×🧬→💊

Run highly reproducible scientific applications on top of a decentralised compute and storage network.

total download LabDAO website follow on Twitter

Plex is a simple client for distributed computation.

  • 🌎 Build once, run anywhere: Plex is using distributed compute and storage to run containers on a public network. Need GPUs? We got you covered.
  • 🔍 Content-addressed by default: Every file processed by plex has a deterministic address based on its content. Keep track of your files and always share the right results with other scientists.
  • 🪙 Ownernship tracking built-in Every compute event on plex is mintable as an on-chain token that grants the holder rights over the newly generated data.
  • 🔗 Strictly composable: Every tool in plex has declared inputs and outputs. Plugging together tools by other authors should be easy.

Plex is based on Bacalhau, IPFS, and inspired by the Common Workflow Language.

🐍 Python pip package (Python 3.8+)

  1. Install plex with pip
pip install PlexLabExchange
  1. Run plex example in a Python file, notebook or REPL
from plex import plex_run

io_json_cid, io_json_local_filepath = plex_run('QmWdKXmSz1p3zGfHmwBb5FHCS7skc4ryEA97pPVxJCT5Wx')

🚀 Plex CLI in one minute

1 . Install the client

Mac/Linux users open terminal and run

source <(curl -sSL

Windows users open terminal as an adminstrator and run

Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).Content
  1. Submit an example plex job
./plex init -t tools/equibind.json -i '{"protein": ["testdata/binding/abl/7n9g.pdb"], "small_molecule": ["testdata/binding/abl/ZINC000003986735.sdf"]}' --scatteringMethod=dotProduct --autoRun=true

Getting Started

  1. Read the docs to learn how to use plex with your own data and tools

  2. Request Access to our VIP Jupyter Hub Enviroment and NFT Testnet Minting. VIP Beta Access Form

💡 Use-Cases

🧑‍💻 Developer Guide

Building plex from source

git clone
cd plex
go build

Running web app locally


Frontend Development Only

$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
  • Install docker
  • Define necessary env variables
  • Recommended: Install direnv. With it installed you can create .env file with the above environment variables and have them automagically set when you descend into the folder.

Running complete stack locally

We have docker-compose files available to bring up the stack locally.


  • Only amd64 architecture is currently supported.
  • New docker installation include docker compose, older installations required you install docker-compose separately and run docker-compose up -d


# Optionally, build in parallel before running
docker compose build --parallel

# Build and bring up stack
docker compose up -d --wait

To run plex cli against local environment simply set BACALHAU_API_HOST=

Running with private IPFS

Requirement to have ipfs available locally.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.private.yml up -d --wait

To run plex cli against local private environment export the following params to your shell before executing plex commands:

# using temp directory for ipfs repo
export IPFS_PATH=$(mktemp -d)

# Initialize IPFS repo
ipfs init -e

# Copy over swarm key and config
cp -rav $(pwd)/docker/ipfs_data/* "${IPFS_PATH}/"


Running backend database only

docker compose up -d dbbackend --wait

Start the Frontend React App

npm --prefix ./frontend run dev

Start the Backend Go App

go run main.go web

Running a compute node

This is a script for setting up a compute instance to run LabDAO jobs. Requires linux OS with Nvidia GPU.

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Nvidia T4, V100, and A10 GPUs (AWS G4, P3, and G5 instance types)

The install script sets up Docker, Nvidia Drivers, Nvidia Container Toolkit, and IPFS

curl -sL | bash && newgrp docker

After the script run the following command in a separate terminal to start a Bacalhau server to accept jobs.

ipfs daemon

Once the daemon is running, configure the Bacalhau node based on the addresses used by the IPFS node.

ipfs id

# copy the ip4 tcp output and change port 4001 to 5001 then export
export IPFS_CONNECT=/ip4/<your id goes here>

# example: export IPFS_CONNECT=/ip4/

LOG_LEVEL=debug bacalhau serve --job-selection-accept-networked --limit-total-gpu 1 --limit-total-memory 12gb --ipfs-connect $IPFS_CONNECT

To download large bacalhau results the below command may need ran

sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2500000

💁 Contributing

PRs are welcome! Please consider our Contribute Guidelines when joining.

From time to time, we also post help-wanted bounty issues - please consider our Bounty Policy when engaging with LabDAO.