A Blogging Suite for Plone.

plone, blogging
pip install Products.Quills==1.7.0c1



Quills is an Enterprise Weblog System for the Plone content management system. It is designed from the ground up to work well and provide specialized features for a multi-blog, multi-user environment.

Requires Plone 3.1 or later. Has been tested for compatibility with Plone 4.3.

Newer Replacement: Products.QuillsEnabled:

If you are new to Quills, you should probably use Products.QuillsEnabled instead of Products.Quills.

It is a more lightweight and future-proof version that uses marker interfaces instead of custom portal types. Future development efforts will focus more on Products.QuillsEnabled then on Products.Quills.


There are a few packages that add extra functionality to your Blog.

Use your Blog with any Weblog Editor that supports the MetaWeblog API. This feature requires the Products.MetaWeblogPASPlugin product to be installed into your Plone site.


There is a slight incompatibility with Quintagroup's Plone Comments product. To fix it, open the ZMI of your Plone site and go to the “portal_form_controler”. There select the tab “Actions” and delete the overide “discussion_reply_form”.


Product Homepage
Visit https://github.com/collective/Products.Quills to learn more about Quills.
Mailing List
Read our mailing list archive at Google Groups, or subscribe to it there. To post, write an e-mail to plone-quills@googlegroups.com.
Issue Tracker
Report bugs and request features by using the issue tracker on our product homepage.
Code Repository
You can find the source code in the Plone Collective Repository at https://github.com/collective/Products.Quills/.