
PyBug extends Python's interactive debugger (pdb), making it simpler to add breakpoints to your code.

debug, pdb, extension
pip install PyBug==1.2


PyBug - python debugging utilities

PyBug extends Python's interactive debugger (pdb), making it simpler to add breakpoints to your code. Uses ipdb if available.

Usage examples:

# Like pdb.set_trace(), but shorter :) and works with nosetests.
import bug; bug.trace()

# Set a breakpoint at line 35 of package.module
bug.setbreak(35, "package.module")

# Set a conditional breakpoint at line 42 of /path/to/
bug.setbreak(42, "/path/to/", "name == 'hitchhiker'")

There are two notable features here that would ideally make it into the pdb module in the Python Standard Library:

  • Easily set a breakpoint at an arbitrary line in an arbitrary module. This is useful when debugging a third-party library where the code cannot easily be edited to add a set_trace() call.

  • Set a breakpoint in a module named by import path rather than file path.



  • Use ipdb if available


  • Fix trace() for proper readline support
  • Fix syntax error on Python 3