
A small Code 39 barcode generator using PIL and the Libre Barcode 39 font family

barcode, code39, code, 39, generator
pip install PySimpleBarcode==0.1.2


PySimpleBarcode 0.1.2

A basic Code 39 barcode generator.






A basic Code 39 barcode generator using PIL and the Libre Barcode 39 font family

Libre Barcode 39 is subject to the Open Font License and can be found at

Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text is subject to the Open Font License and can be found at

See OFL.txt for font license details.


Available on pip - pip install PySimpleBarcode

Alternatively download to your project directory and import it.

Command Line Usage^

Command line usage has two modes of operation: Single mode and File mode. In Single mode, a single barcode is generated using the the prompt passed to the command line. In File mode, a file at a provided path serves as a source of the barcode prompts.

usage: [-h] [-e] [-f] [-sc] [-i] [-m] [-o OUTPUT] [-t TYPE] [-s SIZE] [-px PADX] [-py PADY]
                          [-fg FOREGROUND] [-bg BACKGROUND] [-mn MANIFEST_NAME] [-om]

positional arguments:
  value                 Value or text file with one entry per line to encode. Set -f flag for file mode.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --extended        Set flag to use extended font. Extended font has a text label below it.
  -f, --file            Set flag to load from text file at path specified by value.
  -sc, --skip_check     Set flag to skip check to see if barcode file already exists
  -i, --ignore_duplicates
                        Set flag to ignore error normally raised on duplicate barcode names being found in the barcode
                        file. File Mode only.
  -m, --manifest        Set flag to generate / update barcode manifest json.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Set to specify output directory name. Defaults to "output"
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  Set to specify output file type (without filetype) / directory name. Defaults to .png
  -s SIZE, --size SIZE  Set to specify barcode font size. Defaults to 50
  -px PADX, --padx PADX
                        Set to specify barcode x-padding. Defauts to 10
  -py PADY, --pady PADY
                        Set to specify barcode y-padding. Defauts to 10
  -fg FOREGROUND, --foreground FOREGROUND
                        Set to specify barcode foreground in RGBA hexadecimal. Defaults to "#000000FF"
  -bg BACKGROUND, --background BACKGROUND
                        Set to specify barcode background in RGBA hexadecimal. Defaults to "#FFFFFFFF"
  -mn MANIFEST_NAME, --manifest_name MANIFEST_NAME
                        Set to override default manifest name.
  -om, --overwrite_manifest
                        Set to overwrite an existing barcode manifest json (losing current entries), by default an
                        existing json will be updated to include new entries.

Single Mode^

Single mode is useful for one-off production of barcodes. Pass the value to be encoded.

Example usage: 120231

File Mode^

File mode is useful for batch production of barcodes. File mode, as the name suggests, uses a test file with one barcode to generate per line. To enable file mode use the -f flag. A basic commenting system allows comments prefixed by "#" Example barcode file format:

# Comments are supported
900215 # Mid-line comments are supported too.

# Empty lines are ignored.


Example usage: -f barcodes.txt

Manifest System^

Both Single Mode and File Mode have an optional manifest system that allows for easy tracking with an output/manifest.json that maps which barcodes have been generated to their file locations.

Use the -m flag to enable the manifest system.

The -mn argument will override the default manifest name.

The -om argument will cause the script overwrite the previous manifest entirely rather than just adding a new entry, this does not remove the output files from the hard drive.

Module Usage^

Encoder objects simplify handling multiple barcode sub-types.


Using the Encoder (the easy way)^

from PySimpleBarcode import Encoder

# Instantiate Encoder with custom background color
encoder = Encoder(background = (200, 200, 255, 255))

# Make standard barcode
barcode = encoder.make_barcode("8675309")

# Show the barcode in a window

# Save barcode"barcode.png")

# Repeat process for extended barcode
extended_barcode = encoder.make_extended_barcode("8675309")"extended_barcode.png")

Using make_barcode directly (the hard way)^

from PySimpleBarcode import make_barcode, get_code_39_font_data

# Custom background
background = (200, 200, 255, 255)

# Load normal font from library
font = get_code_39_font_data()

# Make standard barcode
barcode = make_barcode("8675309", font, background=background)

# Show the barcode in a window

# Save barcode"barcode.png")

# Repeat the process for extended barcode
extended_font = get_code_39_extended_font_data()
extended_barcode = make_barcode("8675309", extended_font, background=background)"extended_barcode.png")

The Encoder^


Encoder object to set overridable defaults and hold loaded font data. Setting a value in a method will temporarily overide the default.

class Encoder(object):
	def __init__(self, default_size: int = 50, default_padx: int = 10, default_pady: int = 10, default_background: tuple = (255, 255, 255, 255), default_foreground: tuple = (0, 0, 0, 255)):
	def make_barcode(self, val: str, size: int = None, padx: int = None, pady: int = None, background: tuple = None, foreground: tuple = None):
		"""Make normal barcode, returns a PIL Image object."""
	def make_extended_barcode(self, val: str, size: int = None, padx: int = None, pady: int = None, background: tuple = None, foreground: tuple = None):
		"""Make extended barcode, returns a PIL Image object."""



Core barcode generation function, returns a PIL Image object.

def make_barcode(val: str, font: _io.BytesIO, size: int = 50, padx: int = 10, pady: int = 10, background: tuple = (255, 255, 255, 255), foreground: tuple = (0, 0, 0, 255)):


Makes a string ready for the Code 39 font, returns a String.

def encode_39(val: str):


Returns a BytesIO file object containing the loaded normal Code 39 font. Takes no arguments.

def get_code_39_font_data():


Returns a BytesIO file object containing the loaded extended Code 39 font. Takes no arguments.

def get_code_39_extended_font_data():


Returns a tuple of BytesIO file objects containing the normal and extended fonts. Takes no arguments.

def get_code_39_font_and_extended_font_data():

Single File Usage^

This project was designed with single-file usage in mind. relies on only the standard python library and pillow.
The Libre Barcode 39 TrueType Fonts are packaged within the script file in a compressed format.