
A simple event handler system for PySimpleGUI

gui, events
pip install PySimpleGUI-Events==0.0.1


PySimpleGUI Events

A simple event system for PySimpleGUI applications.

Simple Tutorial

The following tutorial is based on the CookBook entry Recipe - Pattern 2B - Persistent window.

Importing the Event Handler

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import PySimpleGUI_Events as sge

Instantiate the EventManager and ApplicationState

layout = [...]

window = sg.Window("Pattern 2B", layout)

# application_data caries a reference to the window for use in event handlers
# The message="" inclusion creates a data member in the application_data object
# under the key "message".
application_data = sge.SimpleApplicationState(window, message="")

event_manager = sge.EventManager()

Create an Event Handler Function

Every event handler is a function that satisfies the following function signature: event_handler_function(values, application_data)

Values are the values dictionary returned from while application_data is a data record object based on the SimpleActionData object.

def _show_handler(values, application_data):
    application_data[MESSAGE_KEY] = values[IN_KEY]

Create Event Handler Object

Handler objects are SimpleHandler objects that marry the key of the firing UI Element to a handler function.

show_handler = sge.SimpleHandler(SHOW_KEY, _show_handler)

Add the Event Handler to the Event Manager

SimpleHandler objects are passed to the event manager object java-style through the += operator.

event_manager += show_handler

Execute all EventHandlers in the Application Loop

Event handlers are tracked through a dictionary of function lists and fired in the order they are added to the event handler. Event handler functions that raise an Abort exception will abort handler execution and any un-executed handlers will not fire.

The goal of the PySimpleGUI_Events library is to allow UI events to be broken up into small, logical pieces and keep complexity to a minimum.

event_manager.execute(event, values, application_data) (full code)

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import PySimpleGUI_Events as sge

IN_KEY = "-IN-"
CAPITALIZE_KEY = "Capitalize"
SHOW_KEY = "Show"
EXIT_KEY = "Exit"
MESSAGE_KEY = "message"

def _exit_handler(values, application_data):

exit_handler = sge.SimpleHandler(EXIT_KEY, _exit_handler)

def _show_handler(values, application_data):
    application_data[MESSAGE_KEY] = values[IN_KEY]

show_handler = sge.SimpleHandler(SHOW_KEY, _show_handler)

def _capitalize_handler(values, application_data):

capitalize_handler = sge.SimpleHandler(CAPITALIZE_KEY, _capitalize_handler)

layout = [
    [sg.Text("Your typed chars appear here:"), sg.Text(size=(15, 1), key=OUTPUT_KEY)],
    [sg.Button("Capitalize", disabled=True), sg.Button("Show"), sg.Button("Exit")],

event_manager = sge.EventManager()

event_manager += exit_handler
event_manager += show_handler
event_manager += capitalize_handler

window = sg.Window("Pattern 2B", layout)
application_data = sge.SimpleApplicationState(window, message="")

while True:  # Event Loop
    event, values =
    print(event, values)
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
    event_manager.execute(event, values, application_data)


Project Structure Best Practices

  • All key values used in the layout, and event handlers should be stored in constant values, or in a constants class. Do not hard-code raw strings if possible.
  • Handler functions...
    • Handler functions and SimpleHandler object definitions should be stored in a handlers package with files named after the owning gui elements.
      • Example: If the Show button were to both set the string value and capitalize the string they should both be written in the same file.
    • The handlers package shouldn't import any of the functions into Sorting handler objects by filename allows handler objects for different GUI elements to share names across files and enables a level of standardization.