
An audio library based on PortAudio, CFFI and NumPy

audio, portaudio
pip install PySoundCard==0.4.4



PySoundCard is an audio library based on PortAudio, CFFI and NumPy

PySoundCard can play and record audio data. Audio devices are supported through PortAudio, which is a free, cross-platform, open-source audio I/O library that runs on may platforms including Windows, OS X, and Unix (OSS/ALSA). It is accessed through CFFI, which is a foreign function interface for Python calling C code. CFFI is supported for CPython 2.6+, 3.x and PyPy 2.0+. PySoundCard represents audio data as NumPy arrays.

PySoundCard is inspired by PyAudio. Its main difference is that it uses CFFI instead of a CPython extension and tries to implement a more pythonic interface. Its performance characteristics are very similar.

PySoundCard is BSD licensed.
(c) 2013, Bastian Bechtold


PySoundCard is now available as a binary pip wheel that includes PortAudio. Thus, pip install pysoundcard should just work on Windows and OS X. On Linux, you still have to install PortAudio through your package manager first.

On the Python side, you need to have CFFI and Numpy in order to use PySoundCard. Additionally, You need the library PortAudio installed on your computer. On Unix, use your package manager to install PortAudio. Then just install PySoundCard using pip or python install.

If you are running Windows, I recommend using [Anaconda][] or some similar distribution. This should set you up with all the modules you need for PySoundCard.

If you would rather use a Windows installer, you also need to install Numpy, CFFI and it's dependency, PyCParser. A good place to get these are the Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python. Having installed those, you can download the Windows installers for PySoundCard:


The basic building block of audio input/output in PySoundCard are streams. Streams represent sound cards, both for audio playback and recording. Every stream has a sample rate, a block size, an input device and/or an output device.

A stream can be either full duplex (both input and output) or half duplex (either input or output). This is determined by specifying one or two devices for the stream. Both devices must be part of the same audio API.

There are two modes of operation for streams: read/write and callback mode.

Read/Write Mode

In read/write mode, two methods are used to play/record audio: For playback, you write() to a stream. For recording, you read() from a stream. You can read/write up to one block of audio data to a stream without having to wait for it to play.

Here is an example for a program that records a block of audio and immediately plays it back:

from pysoundcard import Stream

"""Loop back five seconds of audio data."""

fs = 44100
blocksize = 16
s = Stream(samplerate=fs, blocksize=blocksize)
for n in range(int(fs*5/blocksize)):

Here is another example that reads a wave file and plays it back:

import sys
import numpy as np
from import read as wavread
from pysoundcard import Stream

"""Play an audio file."""

fs, wave = wavread(sys.argv[1])
wave = np.array(wave, dtype=np.float32)
wave /= 2**15 # normalize -max_int16..max_int16 to -1..1

blocksize = 16
s = Stream(samplerate=fs, blocksize=blocksize)

Callback Mode

In callback mode, a callback function is defined, which will be called asynchronously whenever there is a new block of audio data available to read or write. The callback function must then provide/consume one block of audio data.

Here is an equivalent example to the loopback example earlier. As you can see, the control flow continues normally after s.start() while the callback is running in a different thread. This is very useful for synthesizers or filter-like audio effects.

from pysoundcard import Stream, continue_flag
import time

"""Loop back five seconds of audio data."""

def callback(in_data, out_data, time_info, status):
    out_data[:] = in_data
    return continue_flag

s = Stream(samplerate=44100, blocksize=16, callback=callback)

The callback signature has changed since the last release on PyPi. We are currently working on a new release with the above signature. If you are running PySoundCard from PyPi (v0.5.0), use this code instead:

def callback(in_data, time_info, status):
    return (out_data, continue_flag)

When to use Read/Write Mode or Callback Mode

In general, callback mode is the more flexible and powerful way of using PySoundCard. However, it is more complex and less performant. Many applications will require callback mode because of its threading. Also, it is very simple to write filter-like audio effects in callback mode since audio input and output are readily available.

Many simple tasks, such as playing or recording a chunk of audio data are more easily accomplished using read/write mode though. Also, read/write runs somewhat faster and can produce/consume raw data if requested.

If no data is read/written while in Read/Write mode, recordings are simply discarded and silence is played. In callback mode, it is an error not to provide audio data in the callback. Use numpy.zeros() if you want to play silence.

Context Manager

In addition to the start() and stop() methods, there is also a context manager that makes things more convenient in simple cases:

from pysoundcard import Stream, continue_flag
import time

"""Loop back five seconds of audio data."""

def callback(in_data, out_data, time_info, status):
    out_data[:] = in_data
    return continue_flag

with Stream(samplerate=44100, blocksize=16, callback=callback):

The callback signature has changed since the last release on PyPi. We are currently working on a new release with the above signature. If you are running PySoundCard from PyPi (v0.5.0), use this code instead:

def callback(in_data, time_info, status):
    return (out_data, continue_flag)


PySoundCard uses the CFFI library internally. Performance is a big goal for the project. On a reasonably recent Apple computer, block sizes of two or four samples should be no problem at a sampling rate of 44100 or 48000 Hz.

However, performance is strongly influenced by the API in use. Also, some combinations of audio devices can be problematic even if they are part of the same API. In general, try to open full duplex streams only on input/output devices of the same physical sound card for maximum performance.

The Name

Wait, wasn't this called PyAudio-CFFI and PySoundIO just a moment ago? Yes, since it originally started out as a re-implementation of PyAudio using the CFFI instead of a CPython extension. However, it quickly developed into something different, which warrants a different name. However, PySoundIO turned out to be a name I seem to be incapable of remembering, which is a bad sign. Thus, I renamed it to PySoundCard. Also, PySoundCard sounds similar to PySoundFile, which I developed at the same time and which is quite similar in usage.