A quantum computing simulator for Python

Python, quantum computing
pip install QSystem==1.0.0rc3


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A quantum computing simulator for Python.

The QSystem simulator is inspired in the quantum circuit model, so it's easy to convert any quantum circuit to Python.

Like the follow example:


from qsystem import QSystem
from cmath import exp, pi
q = QSystem(3, 24)                        # init q0, q1, q2

q.evol(gate='H', qbit=0, count=3)         # H q0; H q1; H q2
q.add_ancillas(4)                         # init a0, a1, a2, a3
q.evol(gate='X', qbit=6)                  # X a3
q.cnot(target=4, control=[2])             # CNOT a1, q2
q.cnot(5, [2])                            # CNOT a2, q2
q.cnot(5, [3])                            # CNOT a2, a0
q.cnot(3, [1, 5])                         # Toffoli a1, q1, a2
q.cnot(5, [3])                            # CNOT a2, a0
q.cnot(4, [6])                            # CNOT a1, a3
q.cnot(6, [1, 4])                         # Toffoli a3, q1, a1
q.cnot(4, [6])                            # CNOT a1, a3

q.measure(qbit=3, count=4)                # measure a0, a1, a2, a3
print('ancillas measurement =', q.bits()[3:])
# ancillas measurement = [0, 1, 0, 0]
q.rm_ancillas()                           # rm a0, a1, a2, a3

q.evol('H', 0)                            # H q0                ┐
q.cphase(phase=1j, target=1, control=[0]) # Controlled S q1, q0 │
q.evol('H', 1)                            # H q1                │
q.cphase(exp(pi*1j/4), 2, [0])            # Controlled T q2, q0 │ = q.qft(0, 3)
q.cphase(1j, 2, [1])                      # Controlled S q2, q1 │
q.evol('H', 2)                            # H q1                │
q.swap(0, 2)                              # SWAP q0, q2         ┘

q.measure(0, 3)                           # measure q0, q1, q2
print('final measurement =', q.bits())
# final measurement = [1, 0, 0]


QSystem depends on Boost C++ Libraries and requires a C/C++ compiler.

To install use the follow command:

pip install QSystem

Seed the API documentation.

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