
a Python package for descriptive analysis of RNA secondary structure elements in viral genomes

pip install RNAsselem==1.2




RNAsselem is a Python package for analyzing RNA secondary structure elements in viral genomes, which includes the recognition of common secondary structure patterns, the generation of descriptive statistics for these structural elements, and the provision of their basic properties.


pip install git+https://github.com/KazanovLab/RNAsselem.git#egg=RNAsselem


pip install rnasselem


  • convertion from dot-bracket or CT format to WUSS format
  • calculation of statistics on the pairing and unpairing of nucleotides
  • calculation of statistics on genome coverage by different types of structural elements;
  • generation a list of structural elements of a particular type with information on position and size, including hairpin loops, internal loops, bulges, and multifurcation loops;
  • calculation of statistics on structural elements of a given type, providing a frequency of occurrence in the genome, as well as compiting the mean, median, standard deviations of the element size, and the total length of the elements in the genome.

Quick start

Convert CT file to WUSS file:

import rnasselem as r

Convert CT file to CT-WUSS file (CT file with an additional column containing WUSS notation):

import rnasselem as r

Load CT-WUSS file for further processing:

import rnasselem as r
ctwuss_file = r.load_ctwuss("/path/to/ctwuss/file")

Get the list of hairpin loops in the genome:

import rnasselem as r
ctwuss_file = r.load_ctwuss("/path/to/ctwuss/file")
hairpin_list = get_hairpin_loop_list(ctwuss_file)

Get statistics on hairpin loops in the genome:

import rnasselem as r
ctwuss_file = r.load_ctwuss("/path/to/ctwuss/file")
hairpin_stat = get_hairpin_loop_stat(ctwuss_file)
{'count': 231, 'mean_length': 8.48, 'median_length': 7, 'std_length': 6.24, 'total_length': 1958}

Get and save statistics on all structural elements in the genome:

import rnasselem as r

Content of the file with the saved statistics:

Structural element Count Mean_length Median_length Std_length Total_length
External_loops 84 8.01 5.0 10.31 673
Hairpin_loops 231 8.48 7 6.24 1958
Internal_loops 194 6.66 5.0 5.44 1293
Bulge_loops 114 1.8 1.0 2.04 205
Multifurcation_loops 62 28.97 24.0 19.04 1796
Stems 535 4.48 4 2.49 4798


Full documentation is available online.

Collection of RNA secondary structures of viral genomes

The folder Viral_Structure_Collection contains a collection of secondary structures of RNA viral genomes, which were retrieved from publications. The collection is organized as follows: secondary structure files of the RNA viruses are located in separate folders, each named according to the short name of the respective virus. Each folder contains original CT files named according to the virus, concatenated with the PubMed ID of the publication from which these secondary structures were selected. If the original publications contained several secondary structures, the PubMed ID label was concatenated with a suffix explaining the origin of the structure mentioned in the publication. For example, the name of the cell line was included if several cell lines were used in the study.

Reporting Bugs and Feature Requests

Please use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs or suggest features.


to be submitted