Temperature and humidity monitor with RaspberryPi

dht-temperature-sensors, lcd1602, matplotlib-pyplot, mqtt, raspberry-pi
pip install RasPyDHT==1.0.0



Temperature and humidity monitoring system based on RaspberryPi board.

Key future

  • Support for DHT 11/22/AM2302.
  • Temperature and Humidity displayed on a LCD1602.
  • Possibility to publish data with MQTT.
  • Both console application and simple GUI that plots temperature and humidity over time.


How to use

There are many ways you can use this package:

  • Checkout this repository and run the script locally (see later).
  • Installing the module.

Installing module

To install, run pip install raspydht or checkout this repository and run pip install . from repository root folder This installs into python allowing the scripts to executed from any path.

You can also install on a virtual environment (e.g. virtualenv) for testing it.

Developer mode

If you want to be able to modify the code but still use from any location, you can checkout this repositorya amd install it in developer mode by running pip install -e .. This will install it but point to the files of this repository.

Running locally

If you do not want to install, you can also checkout the repository and run the scripts from repository root. In this case you need to install the dependencies manually


Thi package contains two applications that can be run as scripts

  • rasdpydht: is a console application that read data from the DHT sensor and display temperature and humidity on a LCD1602. Optionally it can also publish these data with MQTT protocol.
  • raspydhtplot: simple GUI application that plot temperature and DHT over time.


By installing the application (either with pip or from the local repository) you can run this application from any path by simply typing raspydht

If you have instead decide to do not install you can always run the application from the local repository as follow:

$ cd <local repository root>
$ python3 -m raspydht 


$ cd <local repository root>
$ python3 runconsole.py  

Whatever option you choose, the following command line options are available:

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --type TYPE      dht sensor type (11, 22, or 2302, default 22)
  --gpio GPIO      GPIO port number (default is 4)
  --sleep SLEEP    Delay (s) between two readings (default 2)
  --broker BROKER  MQTT broker host (default None)
  --verbose        Log info into console (default false)
  --room ROOM      Room name (default )


By installing the application (either with pip or from the local repository) you can run this application from any path by simply typing raspydhtplot. Differently from the console application, it doesn't support MQTT protocol.

If you have instead decide to do not install you can always run the application from the local repository as follow:

$ cd <local repository root>
$ python3 -m raspydhtplot 


$ cd <local repository root>
$ python3 runplot.py  

Whatever option you choose, the following command line options are available:

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --type TYPE    dht sensor type (11, 22, or 2302, default 22)
  --gpio GPIO    GPIO port number, default 4
  --sleep SLEEP  Delay (s) between two readings, default 2
  --verbose      Log info into console