
Wrapper of the sqlite3 module for easy of use

sqlite, database
pip install SQLiteHelper==0.1



Wrapper of the sqlite3 module for ease of use. Inspired by the SQLite design of Android using factory methods for some operations

Install the module via pip:

pip install SQLiteHelper

To make a Database connection:

from SQLiteHelper import SQLiteHelper as sq

db = sq.Connect("database")

This creates a db file named database.db

Next is an example of building a table named content with 3 columns, ID(INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL), QUANTITY(TEXT), and NAME(TEXT)

db.table("content").withColumns("ID", "QUANTITY", "NAME").withDataTypes("INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL", "TEXT", "TEXT").createTable()

Now lets insert a row with an ID of 1, Quantity of "Two", and a NAME of "FOO":

db.table("content").insert(1, "Two", "Foo").into("ID", "QUANTITY", "NAME")

Now for selecting all entries from a database with no where clause, you do:

cursor = db.table("content").select("ID", "QUANTITY", "NAME").execute()

If you decide to use a where clause:

cursor = db.table("content").select("ID", "QUANTITY", "NAME").where("ID").equals(1).execute()

Both methods return a cursor of all the rows, which can be accessed as such:

for row in cursor:
    for x in range(len(row)):

Updating entries:


Deleting entries:


Now, lets say you want to detect if a table exists before you query it


The above method will return a boolean, True if the table exists, False if it does not

A neat feature is the ability to prepopulate a database with values when the table is created To do so, create a file, and lets call it initScript.py. In this file, place these lines

class init(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.columns = ["ID", "QUANTITY", "NAME"]
        self.datatypes = ["INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL", "TEXT", "TEXT"]
        self.seed = [["1", "Two", "Foo"],
                     ["2", "Three", "Bar"]]

The class does not need to be called init, but the init script must have columns(table columns), datatypes(the column's datatypes) and seed(list of rows of prepopulating data to be added to the table)

Then in your main script, you would have something like this:

from SQLiteHelper import SQLiteHelper as sq
import initScript as ins

db = sq.Connect("database")
preset = ins.init()

This will initialize a table called dbInitTest wil 3 columns: ID, QUANTITY, and NAME, along with prepopulated rows of data. This can be useful for needing preexisting data for actions like machine learning.

More features to come. Please post issues and pull requests as needed