
A python realization of Biclustering via Sparse Singular Value Decomposition

pip install STA-663-final-project==1.2



STA 663 final project, python realization of paper "Biclustering via Singular Value Decomposition" by Mihee Lee, Haipeng Shen, Jianhua Z. Huang, and J. S. Marron.

Can install from PyPI using pip install STA-663-final-project

Note: if sparsesvd module is not installed, run pip install sparsesvd first.

The package can be used to perform rank 1 approximation on high-dimension low sample size data, to detect sparse structure, select vairables, and identify possible groups/subgroups.

The package includes two functions, SSVD_python and plotCluster.

Can load the functions using:

from biclustering.functions import SSVD_python

from biclustering.functions import plotClusters


SSVD_python is used to conduct first layer Singular Value Decomposition on sparse n by p matrix, especially when n<<p.


  1. X = 2 dimensional data matrix
  2. gamma1 = weight parameter for updating u, default set to 2
  3. gamma2 = weight parameter for updating v, default set to 2
  4. tol = tolerance for convergence, default set to 1e-4
  5. max_iter = maximum number of iterations, default set to 100

If converged, return:

  1. u = u vector of Sparse SVD
  2. s = largest singular value from SVD
  3. v = v vector of Sparse SVD
  4. niter = number of iteration until convergence

If not converged, print: "Fail to converge! Increase the max_iter!"


plotClusters is used to plot the biclustering using rank 1 approximation result from SSVD_python function.


  1. u, s, v = return values of SSVD function
  2. group = vector of known groups, length equal to that of u. Provide all 1's if no grouping is informed.
  3. tresh = number of insignificant rows to dicard.

return: Heatmap of rank 1 approximated clusters