
A simple tool that helps with logging info during the process of running a script.

pip install ScriptLogger==1.0.2



ScriptLogger - Logging for python scripts

This library can be found on pypi as ScriptLogger

Install with pip: pip install scriptlogger

From README.txt:

        # Note: This README is saved as a txt file but could be run as
        # python code if it would help you learn about the package.
        from Logger import *
        from enum import Enum
        ### Documentation - Logger ###
        # Create a new logger
        #  The first argument, False:
        #  This specifies if new logs should be automatically printed
        #  The second argument, "LOG START"
        #  This is the header; the first line to be printed to the log
        #  The third optional argument (not shown here)
        #  This specifies how the time is rendered by the logger
        #  This should be a string, and can contain the following
        #  %y - Year; %m - Month; %d - Day;
        #  %H - Hour; %M - Minute; %S - Second;
        logger = Logger(False, "LOG START")
        # Add a log to the logger
        #  The arguments specify the type of log and the text to be logged
        #  More Log Types can be added in a new Enum.
        logger.log(LogType.INFO, "Command Parsed")
        ## Main Methods
        # This prints all new logs and moves the pointer forward to the current one
        #  New refers to any logs since the last time the logs were read
        #  The position of New in the list is held by a pointer variable
        #  The position of the pointer is not changed by autoprint
        # This method prints everything regardless of the pointer position
        ## Pointer Methods
        # Sets Pointer to 0 - the start of the log
        # Sets the Pointer to the end of the log
        # Gets the Pointer value
        # Sets the Pointer value
        #  If the argument is < 0 it becomes zero
        #  If the argument is > log length it becomes log length
        # Adds to the Pointer
        #  Prevents Illegal Values
        logger.incrementPointer() # Adds 1 by default
        logger.incrementPointer(3)# Optional Argument
        # Takes from the Pointer
        #  Prevents Illegal Values
        logger.decrementPointer() # Takes 1 by default
        logger.decrementPointer(3)# Optional Argument
        ## Misc. Methods
        # Gets new values and returns as list
        #  Moves Pointer forward
        # Gets all values and returns as list
        ## Use of a custom Enum for additional log values
        # New Enum to be used with additional values to the normal Enum
        #  Underscores are replaced with spaces when the message is formatted
        class DisasterType(Enum):
            OH_CRAP = 0
            OVERHEATING_CORE = 1
        # Create a log with the new Enum Type as an argument
        logger.log(DisasterType.OH_CRAP, "Critical Error: Shutting Down Reactor Core")
        ## Final Print
        print("\n All Logs added \n")
        # Printing all the logs