
Automatically synchronize subtitles with video files

subtitles, syncrhonization, srt, ffmpeg, spleeter
pip install SubtitleSynchronizer==0.0.3


Subtitle Synchronizer - with the application of AI and Probability concepts

Subtitle Synchronization is an interesting problem to solve with the application of Machine Learning and Probability.

There are already quite a few python libraries that deal with this problem and this library is inspired from a famous library called 'autosubsync'.

Subtitle Synchronization has two major processing steps:

--> Vocal section identification This processing is associated with identification of vocal section present in video file. This library uses Spleeter, open source audio separation library for this purpose and then uses audio processing technique to build the vocal classification model.

This library differs from 'autosubsync' on this step. 'autosubsync' uses the labeling of vocal section with reference from SRT file. This has some inherent limitations with regard to purpose of SRT file. We would like to address this limitation with the application of Spleeter and other vocal processing techniques.

We achieve very high accuracy with the current method and we believe this improved accuracy would have a positive impact on the overall accuracy of subtitle synchronization.

--> Subtitle correction Subtitle timing correction based on 'Vocal Classification' results is second and final process involved in this activity. Here, we reuse the processing of 'autosubsync' library completely. Author of autosubsync has done an outstanding job in applying 'bernoulli equation' in solving this step. It was a very good learning for us to understand the application.

Pls refer this blog for the detailed information about the processing involved in this library.


macOS / OSX

Prerequisites: Install Homebrew and pip. Then install FFmpeg, spleeter and this package

brew install ffmpeg
pip install spleeter
pip install subtitlesynchronizer

Linux (Debian & Ubuntu)

Make sure you have Pip, e.g., sudo apt-get install python-pip. Then install FFmpeg, spleeter and this package

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo pip install spleeter
sudo pip install subtitlesynchronizer

Note: If you are running Ubuntu 14 (but not 12 and 16, which are fine), you'll need to jump some more hoops to install FFmpeg.


subtitlesynchronizer [input movie] [input subtitles] [output subs]

# for example
subtitlesynchronizer plan-9-from-outer-space.avi \ \

See subtitlesynchronizer --help for more details.


Data Generation

  1. For Vocal audio files, we referred 'LibriSpeech' dataset. Refer this link
  2. For non-vocal (background noise/sound), we referred Urban Sound dataset from here
  3. For non-vocal (mute sound), we used spleeter and pydub to extract mute sections from given video file. Refer training/ file to generate mute signals.

Training the model

  1. Collect about 1000 vocal audio files and put them in a folder called audioFiles/1
  2. Collect about 1000 non-vocal audio files and put them in a folder called audioFiles/0
  3. Run (and see) This
    • creates subtitlesynchronizer.trained.model.bin
    • runs cross-validation

Synchronization (predict)

Assumes trained model is available as subtitlesynchronizer.trained.model.binn under SubtitleSynchronizer folder

python3 SubtitleSynchronizer/ input-video-file

Build and distribution

  • Create virtualenv: python3 -m venv venvs/test-python3
  • Activate venv: source venvs/test-python3/bin/activate
  • pip install -e .
  • pip install wheel
  • python bdist_wheel