
A small file-based cache library with tag support.

python, cache, tag, file-based
pip install TagCache==0.1



Support platform

  • linux
  • macos

How to install

$ pip install tagcache

Example usage

Suppose you have a blog. And want to cache blog pages (e.g. home page).

  • First you need to create and configure a Cache object.
from tagcache import Cache, NotCache

cache = Cache()

# configure the main directory to store cache files
  • Decorate the content function with the Cache object. In the following example
    • blog-home is the key name of the cache
    • expire specify the expiration in seconds of the cache (7 days), never expire if omitted
    • blog-new and bio are the tags of the cache
    • finally call the decorated function to get content, the function will use cache or call the original function to generate new content when cache miss
@cache('blog-home', expire=3600*24*7, tags=('blog-new', 'bio'))
def home_page_content(cache_param):

    # sometimes content is not available and you don't want
    # to cache the return value.

    # sometimes tags are only known at runtime

    # sometimes you want to change expire
    cache_param.expire = 3600*24

    # generate home page content ...
    return {"bio": {...}, "recent_blogs": [...]}

content = home_page_content()
  • Later, you make changes to your bio (which is displayed on home page), then you can invalidate all caches containing the bio
  • Periodically, you need to clean up those expired or invalid files.

How it works

The cache directory looks like:

├── data
│   ├── 18
│   │   └── ae
│   │       └── tag:62696f                  <-- tag directory: hexlify('bio')
│   │           └── 85
│   │               └── 3:110235185         <-- hardlink of 'key:626c6f672d686f6d65'
│   ├── 37
│   │   └── 64
│   │       └── tag:626c6f672d6e6577        <-- tag directory: hexlify('blog-new')
│   │           └── 85
│   │               └── 3:110235185         <-- hardlink of 'key:626c6f672d686f6d65'
│   └── ae
│       └── 08
│           └── key:626c6f672d686f6d65      <-- cache file: hexlify('blog-home')
└── tmp

Load process:

  1. Try to open exists cache file: "key:" + hexlify(key)
  2. If not found, generate content (see below)
  3. If found, check expiration (st_mtime as expire time) and tags validation (st_nlink)
    1. If all checks were passed, return the cache directly
    2. Try to flock the cache file in non-blocking mode, generate content if success, return cache otherwise

Generate content process:

  1. Create a temporary file under tmp and save serialized content (with tags info as well)
  2. Hardlink the temporary file into tag directories (nlinks + inode number as link name)
  3. Change the mtime of the temporary file to the expire time
  4. Atomic move (rename) the temporary file to the final destination: "key:" + hexlify(key)

Invalidate tag process: just remove the tag directory


Huang junwen (email: kassarar@gmail.com)
