
An ORM for tastypie's API on the client-side.

tastypie, client, django, rest, api, resource, orm
pip install TastyTopping==1.1.1



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Designed to take the heavy lifting out of working with django-tastypie APIs on the client side.


  • Django model-like ORM API allowing you to GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE:

    factory = ResourceFactory('http://localhost:8000/myapp/api/v1/')
    current_resource = factory.resource.get(field='name')    # GET
    new_resource = factory.resource(field='new_name').save() # POST
    new_resource.field = 'different_name'
    new_resource.save()                                      # PUT / PATCH
    current_resource.delete()                                # DELETE
  • Easily work with any related resources:

    new_resource.children = [
  • QuerySets:

    queryset1 = factory.resource.filter(field2__gt=20)
    queryset2 = queryset1.order_by('field2')
    # Evaluation happens here:
    resources = queryset2[5:-8]
  • Simple way to set and update authentication per resource:

    factory.resource.auth = HTTPApiKeyAuth('username', 'key12345')
  • Access nested resources using simple methods:

    new_resource.nested.nested_resource('arg1', arg2=3)
  • Basic field validation before connecting to the API.

  • Bulk create / update / delete to minimise API access:

        create=[{field='name1'}, {field='name2'}],
        update=[current_resource, new_resource],

Find more information on these features at read the docs!


The following needs to be installed locally to run TastyTopping:

  • Python 2.7+ or Python 3.3+
  • requests >= 1.2.3

Tested with / against:

(see the tox.ini file for more information).


A basic example of a simple workflow, using the following API on the server side:

# myapp/models.py
# ===============
from django.db import models

class Example(models.Model):
    path   = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
    rating = models.IntegerField(default=50)
    date   = models.DateTimeField('date', null=True)

# myapp/api.py
# ============
from .models import Example

class ExampleResource(ModelResource):
    class Meta:
        queryset = Example.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'example'
        authorization = Authorization()
        filtering = {'path': ALL, 'rating': ALL}
        ordering = ['rating']

Using TastyTopping on the client side would look like this:

from datetime import datetime
from tastytopping import ResourceFactory

factory = ResourceFactory('http://localhost:8000/myapp/api/v1/')
ex1 = factory.example(path='any text', rating=80).save()
ex1.date = datetime.now()
ex1_copy = factory.example.get(rating=80)

Find more examples at read the docs!


Why another one? There are some other packages around that do something similar, but none are the complete package:

  • ORM. A lot of other packages use a C-style API, which involves passing a dict with your data to their functions. TastyTopping wraps it all up in an ORM-style object, which is more OO, more elegant, and more pythonic.
  • Python3 support.
  • Support for authentication.
  • Support for nested resources.
  • QuerySets!
  • A thorough set of unit tests.
  • Development has stagnated (none of them have released in close to a year, whereas tastypie has been releasing thick and fast).
  • Creating this was FUN!