
An interactive tool for practicing intonation

pip install TuneCoach==0.0.5



An interactive tuner that lets musicians practice intonation while performing. Find us on github!

Install Instructions


TuneCoach requires the following libraries to be present in order to be installed:

  • python3-tk
  • libpulse-dev

You can install them by running

$ sudo apt install python3-tk libpulse-dev

Install via PyPI

To install TuneCoach via PyPI, simply run:

$ pip install TuneCoach

The application can now be launched from the terminal with the command TuneCoach.

Developer Setup

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Make sure to have python3-pip, libpulse-dev, python3-tk, and (optionally) python3-venv installed.
  3. (Optional) Set up a virtual environment by running python3 -m venv .
  4. Run pip install -e . to install the application in editable mode (so that changes you make to the source sync to the locally installed package).
  5. Run the application by typing TuneCoach in the terminal.