A basic API for Uptime Robot (GO TO GITHUB TO READ DOCS)

API, Uptime, Robot
pip install URAPY==1.0.2


Introducing URAPY (Or Uptime Robot API Rewrite)

What is URAPY?

URAPY stands for Uptime Robot API, but I wanted it to be more cheesy so I switched it to APY (Get it? API? APY? Ok...)

URAPY is a basic API wrapper for Uptime Robot, allowing you to control monitors and public status pages via your python terminal! It also runs on no dependencies (unless you count requests as a dependency), and is effiecient and easy to use!

How do I use URAPY?

To install the package, simply type pip install URAPY, and you're good!

Special Note For Repl.it Users

To install URAPY on repl.it, simply install URAPY as you would with any other package!

Getting your Uptime Robot API key

Now, before you write any code, you need to get your Uptime Robot API key (If you already have one, copy it to your clipboard and skip this part.). To get it, all you need to go is go to your settings. You should see something like this: image

Now scroll down until you see the header called Main API Key. Click the text that says Create the main API key, and then click the big blue button. image

You should now see something like this: image (Btw I'm not giving you my API key because then you'll hack me TwT) Click copy to clipboard, and move on to the next step!

Back to the Coding!

Type the following into your IDE.

import URAPY as u                              # Imports the Library
client = u.Client(<paste your API key here>)   # Initializes the Client
print(client.get_account_details())            # Get some Account Details!

It should spit out something like this:

{'email': 'dont_stalk_me_pls@gmail.com', 'monitor_limit': 50, 'monitor_interval': 5, 'up_monitors': 2, 'down_monitors': 0, 'paused_monitors': 0}

Congratulations! You've just written your first program with URAPY! If you get something like ModuleNotFoundError: No module name 'URAPY', try reinstalling URAPY (pip install URAPY).

Refer to official docs here | Visit Uptime Robot! https://uptimerobot.com/