
Query the Ultru API using a simple to use CLI

ultru query development api
pip install Ultru-CLI==1.0


Ultru CLI

Use the UltruTM CLI to easily access your data analytics. The CLI tool requires an API token that can be retrieved from the UltruTM app page after logging with your credentials. The API token will be accessible in the form of a file that is either placed in the current directory, or in another directory, in which case the CLI can be pointed to the file using an argument switch.

Accessing the API Key

Retrieve an API KEY from the Ultru UI

Using the CLI

The UltruTM CLI tool has a helper screen that can be accessed by typing: ultru-cli --help.

Once the API key is downloaded, the ultru-cli tool can be executed from the same directory, without specifying the full path to the ultru.key. If the ultru.key is specified, specify an absolute or relative path.

There are currently two modes:

  • Query By Type
  • Query By Score

By Type

ultru-cli -e "demo" by-type -t user -o users.json -a

Will retrieve all users in the demo engagement

By Score

ultru-cli -e "demo" by-score -s benign -t process -o benign_processes.json -a

Will retrieve all processes in the demo engagement with a benign score.

Other Arguments

  • --count-only: when specified, only returns the count of the selected records, versus the records themselves
  • --record-count: when specified, will allow setting the number of records returned in a query
  • --get-all: when specified, will retrieve all relevant records within the type and score constraints