
An API Query Library

ultru query development api
pip install Ultru-Query==1.1.3


Ultru Query

Used to query the UltruTM API for threat intelligence via a simple chained query library. Requires an API key and an engagement to perform basic library configuration, after which commands and parameters can be chained in order to deliver effects. UltruTM Query is currently intended to be used with the ULTRU API.

Using the Library

Initializing The UltruTM Python Library has a simple constructor that requires the API KEY, which can be obtained from the user portal.

import query

query_object = Query("<API KEY>")

Simple Type Query A simple query involves specifying the desired type, see table below the code example for a full list of types. Otherwise, the engagement has to be set using the set_engagement("<engagement>") function. The execute() function must be called before the store(StreamIO) function to execute the query. Finally the store function will accept any io.IOBase derived stream class to either write to a memory text buffer or to a file.

import io
from record_types import Types

string_stream = io.StringIO()
results = string_stream.read()
Type Description Supported OS
AMCACHE Amcache analysis results Windows
DIRECTORY_LISTING Directory listing results Linux, Mac, Windows
ERROR Any errors encountered in processing and analysis Linux, Mac, Windows
FILE File analysis results Linux, Mac, Windows
GROUP Group analysis results Linux, Mac, Windows
HOST Host analysis results Linux, Mac, Windows
LOG Log analysis results Linux, Mac, Windows
MEMORY_MAP Analysis of loaded modules Linux, Mac, Windows
PERSISTENCE Analysis of persistent threats Linux, Mac, Windows
PREFETCH Analysis of prefetch Windows
PROCESS Analysis of processes Linux, Mac, Windows
PROFILE Analysis of profiles Windows
RUN_INFO Information regarding a scan Linux, Mac, Windows
SERVICE Analysis of services Windows
SHIMCACHE Analysis of shimcache Windows
USER Analysis of user entries Linux, Mac, Windows

The Results object The results object generally has the following structure:

  • if the count_only() function is specified, it returns an integer specifying the count of records.
  • if the count_only() function is omitted, a list of dictionaries is returned with the data.

Simple Count Query When all that is needed is a simple count of records, chain in the count_only() function to specify the return type. Not also that the all() function was specified. More to that below in the Limit number of records returned.

import io
from record_types import Types

string_stream = io.StringIO()
results = string_stream.read()

Limit Number of Records returned The default number of records returned in a query is set to a default of 100 records. If more or less records are desired, chain in the set_count(<number>) function to set the number of returned records. Note: the number provided is still constrained by the overall record result size of 1MB. To retrieve all the records in a particular record set, use the all() function.

import io
from record_types import Types

string_stream = io.StringIO()
results = string_stream.read()

Retrieve a set of records that have a specific score To retrieve records that have a specific UltruTM score, use the by_score(score, _type) selector function, which takes in as a parameter a scores.Scores object as well as a record_types.Types object.

import io
from record_types import Types
from scores import Scores

string_stream = io.StringIO()
query_object.by_score(Scores().BENIGN, Types().PROCESS).set_engagement("demo").all().store(string_stream)
results = string_stream.read()

The results object now has a list of all benign processes in the demo engagement.