
A python library for classifying images.

pip install UniversalClassifier==0.0.3



A tool to pin text to a specific set of texts. Useful to build a tool that takes any text input then infer which one of the anchor texts is the best one.


TextPinner pins text to a set of anchor texts. This is useful to build a natural language command module. Imagine I have a robot. For example the InMoov robot can do a bunch of actions but you some how need to ask it to do something by saying exactly what you have already specified as possible inputs. But what if you can say the command how ever you like it, and the robot understands which one of the actions is the one you intended it to?

This code, uses Google's BERT model to encode both the text you say, and the list of anchor texts describing what the robot can do. Now we simply find the nearest anchor text encoding to the encoding of the text you said. Bingo, now you have anchored the text to waht the robot can do and you can say the command how ever you like it. The robot will understand.

Actually this works even when you tell the commands in another language (tryed it in French).

You can imagine doing this for a hue lighting system or other command based app. Be creative


To install TextPinner, you can use:

pip install TextPinner

It is advised to install cudatoolkit if you have a cuda enabled GPU.
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113 


First import TextPinner class

from TextPinner import TextPinner

Create an instance of TextPinner. There are one mandatory parameter which is the list of anchor text, and an optional parameter which is the minimum similarity between the word and the anchors. This allows the AI to detect if the text the user is entering is too far from any of the anchors. By default the value is None (don't check for minimal distance). A value of 0.5 has proven to be a good distance for the tests we have done but this can be changed depending on the anchors you are using. Feel free to use another value :

tp = TextPinner(["raise right hand", "raise left hand", "nod", "shake hands", "look left", "look right"], minimum_similarity_level=0.5)

Now you are ready to pin some text using process method that returns multiple useful outputs.

text_command = input("Input a text :")
output_text, index, similarity=tp.process(text_command)
  • The index tells you which text of your anchors list is most likely to have the same meaning as the text_command. If it is -1, this means that the meaning of the text is too far from any of the anchors. If maximum_distance is None then there is no maximum distance test and the AI will return the anchor with nearest meaning.
  • output_text is literally the anchor text that has the nearest meaning to the one of text_command.
  • similarity is a numpy array containing the similarity of this text with each of the anchor texts. Useful to get an idea about the certainty of the algorithm about its decision.


In the examples section we provide two examples: 1 - A simple text pinner example where the user is prompted to enter a text and then we tell him which anchortext is the nearest in meaning to the text he typed. 2 - A voice command example that uses voice to inpuit the text then gives the most likely output

TextPinner example

This example do not need any special libraries as it asks the user to input text then finds the nearest text in meaning from the anchor texts.

TextPinner Audio example

This examle uses audio so that you can talk to the AI and it uses TextPinner to make the AI understand your querry and perform something. If the query is far from what the AI knows, it will tell you that the meaning of what you say is out of its scope. Here every thing is in Audio. you talk and the AI answers. So we need to install some libraries.

We use gtt for text to speach audio synthesis and pygame to play the synthethized audio.

To install it youse this command:

pip install gtts

We need to install poyaudio as it is no more in the Pypi repositories. So you can go here https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyaudio and download the version suitable for your python distribution. Then install it using

pip install <the path to the wheel file you just downloaded>

Now you are ready to talk to clip. Every time the AI will ask you to issue a commend. When you say something the AI analyzes the meaning and if it is close to the meening of anchor text, it will pin it to that functionality and tell you that the nearest anchor text is that one. If the meaning of what you said is different from the command, then the AI will tell you that it is far from the anchor texts and ask you to try again.

To exit the application, you just need to say exit.

Conversational AI example

This is more like a dictionary based conversation AI that uses TextPinner to make it easy to speak in natural language and pins to prefixed texts and gives predefined answers for each question.

You basically need to install the same stuff as in TextPinner Audio example.