Validating Licenses on Discord Validating Package

authentication, customizable, discord-bot, easy-to-use, encryption, javascript, key-auth, login-system, netlify, python
pip install VLoDVP==1.0.6



GitHub last commit GitHub issues GitHub


Activating Keys on Discord is a free and multi-layered encrypted user key authentication tool for your code. Built with JavaScript and Python, it utilizes GitHub and Netlify as licensing servers. AKoD allows your users to validate their purchased activation keys from your site using a simple Discord bot command. It creates a directory with the validated account name, generates an encrypted key file, and commits the changes to a GitHub repository hosted on Netlify for accessibility. To integrate AKoD into your software, import the AKoDAuth package and obfuscate your final code using a tool like Hyperion to hide the private key. AKoD is open-source, and you're encouraged to make your own modifications to suit your needs.

Get Started with AKoD πŸš€

For better detailed intructions visit the revisioned wiki page or watch the YouTube video!

Setup webserver

  1. Create a new private GitHub repo

  2. Add a index.html file with any content (just so the site can deploy)

  3. Head to https://app.netlify.com/ and Login or Create an account

  4. Create your site via GitHub

  5. Wait for site to deploy. You should have a link like "repositoryname.netlify.app"

Prepare AKoD

  1. Create a new folder & clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/tagoworks/akod
  2. Open the new akod folder

  3. Download required modules by running the provided GetReqs.bat file

  4. Open the config.json file with notepad or another text editor, and input all the values

    • token: Your discord bot token
    • ownerID: The owner's user ID (will be allowed to add custom keys, remove cooldowns, and delete validated accounts)
    • guildID: The server ID which the bot will be in (for permission sets)
    • onlySendIn: The channel ID's where the bot will be allowed to respond
    • logChannel: The channel ID where the bot will send key activation logs
    • GITUSERNAME: Your GitHub account username
    • GITSTORAGEREPO: The repository where the accounts and active accounts/keys will be stored
    • GITPAT: Your GitHub personal access token (PAT), which is used to push the new accounts to the webserver repository (give repo scopes)
    • netlifyURL: Your Netlify repo link (https://repository.netlify.app/)
  5. Open the assets directory and run the StartWatching.bat file in order to generate your identifiers.txt file

    • It is very important to save these keys, if you publish your projects and use this key and later on change it you will not be able to validate any keys
    • After a few minutes check your Netlify link and verify AKoD can read and write
  6. Input your custom keys in the validkeys.txt file

    • Remember to make a new line for each new activation key
  7. Modify the blacklist.txt file to add any additional blocked usernames, like your username or other developers.

Implement AKoD in your code πŸ’»

For now AKoD can only be used for Python scripts. If you want to contribute and attempt to expand please feel free.

  1. Download the Activating Keys Auth Package

    pip install AKoDAuth
  2. Import the package to your main code

    import AKoDAuth as auth
  3. Define your private & public key (assets/identifiers.txt)

  4. Define the activation key and input username and password (save the activation key to a text file and read from it to log in faster, see the example.py)

    username and password can be anything

    username = input("Enter your username: ")
    password = input("Enter your password: ")
  5. Check if the login exists and the key is valid

    if auth.isValid(username, password) == False:
       print("Invalid login!")
       # Run your main code here
  6. Obfuscate your code (optional) In order to hide your private key and licensing website link, I recommend you obfuscate your code with a python obfuscator. Hyperion is very advanced. Additionally, if you create an executable from your python code it will be difficult to decompile.

If your having issues check out the example.py or join the discord server

Discord Bot Usage πŸ€–

Member usage

Users in your Discord server can validate their keys by running the command "/validate ACTIVATION-KEY LOGIN PASSWORD". Any member of you discord server by default will be set to a 30 day cooldown in order to prevent any type of fraud. To change this cooldown you can edit the "'const remainingTime = Math.ceil((30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 - (Date.now() - lastUsage)) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));" line in commands/validate.js to a set amount of milliseconds.

Owner usage

As the owner, you can remove users cooldowns, add keys, and REMOVE accounts that are registered to a key

  • /removecooldown USERID
  • /remove ACCOUNT-NAME
  • /keyadd KEY

Note: To remove added keys, or to add keys in bulk you need to manually edit the assets/validkeys.txt file, making sure that the last key ends with pressing the ENTER key to go down a line.

Roadmap πŸ›£οΈ

  • Rename project (VLoD -> AKoD)
  • Convert bot commands to discord slash applications
  • Add checks for invalid account names
  • Add catches for when an invalid folder is created
  • Add public key functionality
  • Add password function
  • Expand on languages to use AKoDAuth
  • Add expiring method

License & Information πŸ“ƒ

This project is published under the MIT license

If you are interested in working together, or want to get in contact with me please email me at santiagobuisnessmail@gmail.com