
Look into the data of your DataFrames with Watson Explorer

pandas, polars, explorer, watson
pip install WatsonExplorer==2.0.0


Watson Explorer

Explore the data in your Pandas DataFrames using Watson Explorer.


Use the package manager pip to install Watson Explorer.

pip install WatsonExplorer

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from WatsonExplorer import Explorer

"""Place the following statement at the end of your Python file."""

After running the script, it will extract all the dataframes from the file, delete all old HTML files, create new HTML files, and open a local host to display the DataFrames. 
You can access the DataFrames using the dropdown menu. To stop the local host, click on the 'Stop Server' button, and the tab sheet will automatically close.

It is not possible to view data from dataframes that are not linked to variables.
For example:

example_dict = {'A' : [1,2,3,4], 'B' : [5,6,7,8]}

class Example():
    def __init__(self, dictionary=None):
        self.dataframe = pd.DataFrame(example_dict)
    def return_df_1(self):
        return self.dataframe
    def return_df_2(self):
        self.dataframe2 = self.dataframe.assign(D='Test')
        return self.dataframe2

example = Example(example_dict)
example.return_df_1() # The explorer will not include this dataframe.
example_df = example.return_df_2() # The explorer will include this dataframe.

"""REMARK 2:
This library is not designed to load more than 20,000 rows (yet). We recommend using .head() to reduce the size of your dataframe before using this library.

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Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

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Feel free to adjust the CSS file if you don't like the styling.
Also, if you are a very gifted front-end developer, please let me know. I'm open to upgrading the interface.

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Contact: https://heinburgmans.com
Project Link: https://github.com/HeintjeB/watson

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The creation of this explorer was inspired by Spyder's Variable Explorer. Shout-out to DataTables.net whose code heavily improved this library!

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