WolframAlpha Python API Wrapper
This is an API wrapper for the Wolfram Alpha API. It contains functions for the Simple
, Short Answers
, Full Results
and Conversational
Python 3.5 of higher is required
Linux & macOS
python3 -m pip install wolframalpha.py
py -3 -m pip install wolframalpha.py
You can always use the Github Dev version before the release on Pypi by cloning the repo and upgrading the package locally.
Getting Started
- You must have a WolframAlpha account in order to get the AppID. You can create an account here.
- Then you must create an application at the WolframAlpha Developer Portal.
- Copy the AppID. You will use this to initialize the WolframPy Application later on.
Application Example
from wolfram import App
wolfram = App("APP_ID") # Make sure to replace the ID with your own
This will generate an image with information about the american population and save it with the name "america_population.png". If no second param is provided, it will be saved as "wolframpy_content.png"
wolfram.simple("Population of America", "america_population")
class wolfram.App(appID)
class App:
def __init__(self, appID):
self.id = appID
self.SIMPLE_BASE = "https://api.wolframalpha.com/v1/simple"
self.FULL_BASE = "https://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query"
self.SHORT_BASE = "http://api.wolframalpha.com/v1/result"
self.CONV_BASE = "http://api.wolframalpha.com/v1/conversation.jsp"
Create a request to the WolframAPI
def create_request(self, BASE, **kwargs):
return requests.get(BASE + "?" + '&'.join(f"{i}={kwargs[i]}" for i in kwargs) + "&appid=" + self.id)
Fetch an info image and save it locally
Example: wolfram.App(app_id).simple("Value of Gold", "valueOfGold")
def simple(self, query:lambda arg:fix_format(arg), fp:lambda arg:str(arg)="wolframpy_content"):
_data = self.create_request(self.SIMPLE_BASE, i=query)
if _data.status_code == 200:
with open(fp+".png", "wb") as f:
for chunk in _data.iter_content(1024):
if _data.status_code == 404:
raise APIError("The WolframAPI is currently unreachable!")
if _data.status_code == 501:
raise InputError("Could not understand input.")
Receive a dictionary of information about the query. Recommended for experts.
Example: wolfram.App(app_id).full("Value of Gold")
def full(self, query:lambda arg:fix_format(arg)):
return self.create_request(self.FULL_BASE, input=query, output="json").json()
Receive a line-long answer to a query
def short(self, query:lambda arg:fix_format(arg)):
return self.create_request(self.SHORT_BASE, i=query).text
Use the ConversationalAPI to talk. Returns a dictionary
Example: wolfram.App(app_id).talk("How are you?")
def talk(self, query:lambda arg:fix_format(arg)):
return self.create_request(self.CONV_BASE, i=query, s=5).json()
Asynchronous Usage
import wolfram, asyncio, json
app = wolfram.AsyncApp("APP_ID")
async def getQuery():
data = json.loads(await app.full("Population of America"))
with open("wolfram.json", "w+") as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()