Elegant TeX script in YAML style

latex, yaml
pip install YeT==0.1.1


Yet most Elegant TeX

PyPI Version License

Elegant TeX script in YAML style


(Note: the below paragraph is opinionated, and so is this project)

Doubtless, documents typeset with TeX are elegant from their beginning. However, TeX script are usually not. That's why you need YeT.

  • You Only Write Once: Just environ:. No more \begin{environ}~\end{environ}!
  • Syntactical Definition: Works out-of-box for any TeX packages without configuration
  • Easy Fallback: TeX script can be easily mixed into YeT script
  • Intuitive: Reading the below example will be enough for you to get the most out of YeT


YeT can be installed from PyPI. (supports python>=3.6)

$ pip install YeT


# examples/front.yml
documentclass: article[a4paper]
usepackage: amsmath
usepackage: amssymb

title: YeT Example
author: BayMinimum

  - \maketitle  # or maketitle: ""
  - Let's begin with some math.
  - equation:
    - F = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \frac{q_1 q_2}{r^2}
  - enumerate:
      item: This is enumerate
      item: Write items in dict or list
  - some_custom_environment{arg}[optional]:
    - Key with dict or list value is interpreted as environment.
    - This works syntactically, without semantics.

Compile the above YeT file with command:

$ yet examples/front.yml

Then, examples/front.tex will be generated as below.

\title{YeT Example}

Let's begin with some math.

F = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \frac{q_1 q_2}{r^2}

\item{This is enumerate}

\item{Write items in dict or list}

Key with dict or list value is interpreted as environment.

This works syntactically, without semantics.