Amalgam8 Command Line Interface

pip install a8ctl==0.1.4


Amalgam8 Controller

GoReportCard Widget Travis Widget

The Amalgam8 controller is software developed for managing load balancing and failure injection in applications built using a microservice based architecture.

An overview of the Amalgam8 project is available here:


A prebuilt Docker image is available. Install Docker 1.8 or 1.9 and run the following command:

docker pull amalgam8/a8-controller

Provide configuration options as environment variables. For example:

docker run amalgam8/a8-controller -e poll_interval=60s

Configuration options

Configuration options can be set through environment variables or command line flags.

Environment Key Flag Name Description Default Value
A8_API_PORT --api_port API port 6379
A8_CONTROL_TOKEN --control_token controller API authentication token ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
A8_ENCRYPTION_KEY --encryption_key secret key abcdefghijklmnop
A8_POLL_INTERVAL --poll_interval poll interval 0
A8_DATABASE_TYPE --database_type database type memory
A8_DATABASE_USERNAME --database_username database username
A8_DATABASE_PASSWORD --database_password database password
A8_DATABASE_HOST --database_host database host
A8_LOG_LEVEL --log_level logging level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) info
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version


Documentation is available here.

Build from source

The follow section describes options for building the controller from source. Instructions on using a prebuilt Docker image are available here.


  • Docker 1.8 or 1.9
  • Go 1.6


Clone the repository manually, or use go get:

go get

Make targets

The following targets are available. Each may be run with make <target>.

Make Target Description
release (Default) release builds the controller within a docker container and packages it into a image
test test runs all tests using go test
clean clean removes build artifacts. Note: this does not remove docker images

Build Docker image

Docker must be configured and running to build a Docker image.

cd $GOPATH/src/
make build
make docker IMAGE=controller

This will produce an image tagged controller:latest.

Build executable

The Docker image is the recommended way of deploying the controller. However, manually building the executable may be useful for testing.

The following commands will build and run the controller:

make build

Release Workflow

This section includes instructions for working with releases, and is intended for the project's maintainers (requires write permissions)

Creating a release

  1. Set a version for the release, by incrementing the current version according to the semantic versioning guidelines:

    export VERSION=v0.1.0
  2. Update the APP_VER variable in the Makefile such that it matches with the VERSION variable above.

  3. Create an annotated tag in your local copy of the repository:

    git tag -a -m "Release $VERSION" $VERSION [commit id]

    The [commit id] argument is optional. If not specified, HEAD is used.

  4. Push the tag back to the Amalgam8 upstream repository on GitHub:

    git push upstream $VERSION

    This command automatically creates a release object on GitHub, corresponding to the pushed tag. The release contains downloadable packages of the source code (both as .zip and .tag.gz archives).

  5. Edit the file, describing the changes included in this release.

  6. Edit the GitHub release object, and add a title and description (according to


Copyright 2016 IBM Corporation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Contributions and feedback are welcome! Proposals and pull requests will be considered. Please see the file for more information.