
Generate badges/shields with pure HTML/CSS.

pip install abadge==0.3.0



Generate status badges/shields of pure HTML+CSS.



The Badge class in the module is used to generate status badges. It supports various configuration options like font, background etc., and also includes threshold support, which is useful for presenting job status, for example.


Badge can be instantiated to generate many badges with the same format:

from abadge import Badge

success_badge = Badge(value_text_color='#11a')
print(success_badge.to_html('build', 'passed'))
print(success_badge.to_html('tests', 'ok'))

or for one-shot generation:

print(Badge(label='tests', value='4/8').to_html())
print(Badge().to_html(label='tests', value='4/8'))  # Same thing
print(Badge.make_badge(tests, '4/8'))               # This too

The arguments to all of the methods are identical. The arguments to the constructor will be stored in the instance as default values which can then be overridden by the arguments to the to_html method. make_badge always use the class default configuration (it is a class method).


All three methods support the following arguments:

Optional arguments

label: text for the label (left) part. Can also be given as keyword argument label=<text>
value: text for the value (right) part. Can also be given as keyword argument value=<text>

Keyword arguments

border_radius: how rounded the corners of the badge should be (CSS "padding")
font_family: font to use in the badge (CSS "font-family")
font_size: font size to use in the badge (CSS "font-size")
label: the text in label part of the badge
label_background: background color for the label (left) part (CSS "background")
label_text_color: text color for the label (left) part (CSS "color")
label_text_shadow: configuration for the text shadow (CSS "text-shadow")
link_decoration: decoration for the link (CSS "text-decoration")
padding: amount of space between the border and the text (CSS "padding")
thresholds: dict with label-specific configuration options, so that multiple labels can be handled by the same class instance. See Thresholds below
url: makes the badge link to the given URL
value: the text in the value part of the badge
value_background: background color for the value part (CSS "background"). This is also the final fallback if the value is neither found in thresholds nor in value_backgrounds
value_backgrounds: dict with value to value_background mappings. See Thresholds below
value_text_color: text color for the value part (CSS "color")
value_text_shadow: configuration for the text shadow (CSS "text-shadow")


The thresholds argument is a dict with label as key and a configuration dict as value. The dict supports the following keys:

order: May be: auto, float, int, str, or strict, with auto being the default if order does not exist. float, int and str forces level of that type (see below). auto uses ordering of type float or int if all values in colors are numbers type, with float taking precedence. If auto is set and at least one value is a string, or if strict is set, then an exact match is used for determining color, ie. no ordering
colors: dict with value to color mapping
above: Value is a color. if an ordering is requested, and the given value is above the highest value (key) in colors, then this color is used
shade: Whether to shade the color depending on distance between the thresholds. Each R, G, and B color is calculated based on the fraction of the distance of the value between the thresholds

Levels are handled by sorting the keys in the colors dict and comparing the incoming value to each of the keys, starting with the key with the lowest value, until the value is lower than or equal to the key:

for k in sorted(thresholds['colors'].keys, key=<sort by type>):
    if value <= k:
        return thresholds['colors'][k]
return thresholds['above']


One instance can be configure to product different label types:

build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'build': {
        'colors': {'SUCCESS': '#0f0',
                   'FAILURE': '#f00',
                   'UNSTABLE': '#ff0',
                   'ABORTED': '#f80', }},
    'KPI': {
        'order': 'str',
        'colors': {'A': '#0f4',
                   'B': '#f04',
                   'C': '#f84',
                   'D': '#ff4', }},
    'passrate': {
        'colors': {0.3: '#f00',
                   0.6: '#c40',
                   0.8: '#4c0', },
        'above': '#0f0', }})

print(build_badge.to_html('build', 'UNSTABLE'))

# Using a non-existing value will use the value_background color
print(build_badge.to_html('build', 'SKIP'))
print(build_badge.to_html('build', 'HOP', value_background='#ccc'))
print(build_badge.to_html('passrate', 0.5))


If the color is not found in thresholds then the value will be looked up in the value_backgrounds dict as a fallback:

build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'build': {
        'colors': {'SUCCESS': '#0f0',
                   'FAILURE': '#f00',
                   'UNSTABLE': '#ff0',
                   'ABORTED': '#f80', }},
    'value_backgrounds': {'SUCCESS': '#0f4',
                          'FAILURE': '#f04',
                          'UNSTABLE': '#f84',
                          'ABORTED': '#ff4'}})
print(build_badge.to_html('test', 'ABORTED'))


Shading does not produce color steps, but a shade between the colors in the threshold. Shading only works for "float" and "int" types:

build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'speed': {
        'shade': True,
        'colors': {0: '#0f0',
                   120: '#f00'},  # speed limit
        'above': '#f08'}}         # too fast!
print(build_badge.to_html('speed', 97))

# Here is the rainbow
build_badge = Badge(thresholds={
    'rainbow': {
        'shade': True,
        'colors': {0.0: '#ff0000',
                   1.0: '#ffff00',
                   2.0: '#00ff00',
                   3.0: '#00ffff',
                   4.0: '#0000ff',
                   5.0: '#8000ff'}}})

for c in range(0, 11):
    print(build_badge.to_html('rainbow', c / 2.0))
