
Analyze multiple files for similarity and/or uniqueness.

Python, similarity, diff, compare, files
pip install abero==1.0.1



Analyze multiple files for similarity and/or uniqueness. Finding similarities of works duplicated from one or more part of different works to create a seemingly unique one can be difficult because of different strategies being used, but this can be done better with a software like runner.



Install the latest abero package, upcoming versions might introduce unannounced changes, so a virtual environment is a must have before installation.

pip install -U abero

To integrate abero into your Python codes, check the code snippet below:

import abero

abero.analyze(directory, extension="txt", threshold=80, template=None, skipnames=0, group=0, unzip=0, reset=0)

CLI Usage

# usage: runner [-h] -d directory [-e extension] [-c control] [-t threshold] [-u unzip] [-s skipnames] [-g group] [-r reset]

py runner.py -d "<path_to_files>" -e "txt" -c "<path_to_control_file>" -t 1 -u 1 -s 1 -r 1
  1. -d <path> - Full path of the dirctory containing the files to analyze.
  2. -e <txt> - List of allowed file extensions to analyze.
  3. -c <*.txt> - Full path of the control file.
  4. -t <80> - Threshold level for uniqueness, treats similarity below threshold as unique (1-100; default = 0)
  5. -u <0> - Unzip/extract ZIP files (0-1; default = 0)
  6. -s <0> - Skip files with common names (0-1; default = 0)
  7. -g <1> - Only compare if files contains the same identifier (0-1; default = 1)

  Example: student1*_set1*.py >> student2*_set1*.py

  1. -r <0> - Reset analytics before execution (0-1; default = 0)

Control File

Control file contains words or phrases, checked line-by-line, that are deem allowed to be contained in all files to analyzed; therefore, if found on the test files, it will not be flagged as duplicate work.


  • Unzip feature
  • File comparison
  • Threshold levels
  • Skip / group compare
  • Diff tool, content viewer

Did you know?

The repository name abero was inspired from the words aberrant and runner (Latin), which may mean deviating or being absent.