
A Python wrapper for the Abfall+ API

abfall, abfallkalender, abfallplus, api, api-wrapper, python
pip install abfallplus==0.1



A Python wrapper for Abfall+ API

PyPI version PyPI license


This library provides a Python interface for the Abfall+ API.

Abfall+ provides the export of waste collection dates for a lot of waste management companies in Germany.


You can install python-abfallplus using:

$ pip install abfallplus

Getting the source code

This project is hosted at https://github.com/temesinko/python-abfallplus

You can clone the project using:

$ git clone git://github.com/temesinko/python-abfallplus.git
$ cd python-abfallplus

Install the minimal dependencies:

$ pip install -Ur requirements.txt

For installing the testing dependencies:

$ pip install -Ur requirements.testing.txt

Running tests

Make sure you installed the testing dependencies.

Run the tests using:

$ pytest -s


The library uses the namespace abfallplus.


  • abfallplus.Community
  • abfallplus.Street
  • abfallplus.WasteType


The API is exposed via the abfallplus.Api class.

For fetching data you will need to provide a key. In this library it is called company_key, because it differs from one waste management company to another.

Most probably you will already have such a key. Otherwise you can extract it from the form your waste management company provides for exporting the waste collection plan. Of course it must be compatible with Abfall+. You're looking for something like //api.abfall.io/?key=248deacbb49b06e868d29cb53c8ef034 in the source code of the page containing the export form where 248deacbb49b06e868d29cb53c8ef034 is the company_key in this example.

Instantiating the API class

To create an instance of abfallplus.Api you can use the following code example:

import abfallplus
api = abfallplus.Api()

Fetching all available communities

To fetch all available communities of a waste management company:

# [Community(ID=2430, Title='Ailertchen'), Community(ID=2292, Title='Alpenrod'), ...]

Fetching all available streets

To fetch all available streets in a community:

print(api.get_streets('248deacbb49b06e868d29cb53c8ef034', 2326))
# [Street(ID=1459, Title='Am Alten Bahnhof'), Street(ID=1460, Title='Am Fichtenstrauch'), ...]

Fetching all available waste types

To fetch all available waste types for a street:

print(api.get_waste_types('248deacbb49b06e868d29cb53c8ef034', 1459))
# [WasteType(ID=27, Title='Altpapier'), WasteType(ID=28, Title='Bioabfall'), WasteType(ID=17, Title='Gelber Sack'), ...]

Fetching all waste collection dates

To fetch all waste collection dates grouped by waste type for a street:

print(api.get_waste_collection_dates('248deacbb49b06e868d29cb53c8ef034', 1459, datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 12, 31)))
# {'Bioabfall': ['07.01.2020', '21.01.2020', '04.02.2020', ...], ...}

This returns a dictionary containing the waste types as keys and the waste collection dates as values. Unfortunately there is no possibility to identify the fetched waste types (for example by its waste type ID), because the CSV contains only the titles in the first row, no IDs (the titles even do not match the titles returned by get_waste_types() sometimes, so we cannot create links.

You can filter for specific waste types by additionally adding a sequence of waste type IDs to the method call. Note: If you define a waste type which cannot be found by the API it doesn't raise an error but it simply returns the result set reduced by the waste type which could not be found (for example you request 9 waste types of which 1 could not be found, then the resulting dictionary will contain 8 waste types - there will be no error).

Notice of Non-Affiliation and Disclaimer

This library is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Abfall+ GmbH & Co. KG or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official Abfall+ website can be found here.

The names Abfall+ and ABFALLPLUS as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners.